News of Interest.TV

Various News: May 12, 2024 Note: I will be creating full articles on a more consistent basis soon.  In the meantime here are some news articles that have been accumulating over the past few weeks.


(Most of the following immigration-related stories were found on the website.  Also see the article A Summary of Immigration Issues in the United States.)

Internal DHS data reveals the 45+ U.S. cities that hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants have been flown into via the Biden administration’s “CHNV” mass parole program, with Miami receiving over 91,000, and Ft. Lauderdale over 60,000  (link)

House Democrats have voted unanimously to give illegal aliens representation in Congress and the Electoral College  (link)

Biden is setting up field offices in Qatar and Turkey to “increase capacity for [Muslim] refugee processing”  (link)

A taxpayer-funded ID program for illegal immigrants is expected to begin this summer  (link)

A mother of four in Georgia was killed in a head-on DUI crash with a suspected illegal alien 18-wheeler truck driver  (link)

Michigan police are searching for an illegal alien that is charged in a fatal DUI hit-and-run  (link)

A massive illegal migrant processing center in the El Paso, New Mexico desert has been operating since 2023  (link)

Illegal immigration is costing U.S. hospitals billions of dollars in unpaid medical bills  (link)

The migrants that were shipped to Martha’s Vineyard by Governor Ron DeSantis have been given crime victim visas  (link)

Illegal immigrant criminal networks have been stealing truckloads of oil in west Texas  (link)

The massive influx of illegals means the 2024 election will be the last to be decided by U.S. citizens, warns Elon Musk  (link) — [Actually that has already been the case for a long time due to the fraudulent voting machines, but nonetheless problems will get much worse with the incoming illegals.]

Illegals often hop onto cargo trains after crossing the southern border of the U.S.  (link)


The U.S. Government has mandated the use of “preferred pronouns” in every workplace in America in a clampdown on “discrimination” against transvestites under the 1964 Civil Rights Act  (link)

A black transvestite in Huston, Texas mowed down an elderly man twice with his car, and then got out and fatally stabbed him nine times  (link)

The City College of New York (CCNY) in Manhattan is set to host its third annual “Lavender Graduation” for students who identify as “LGBTQIA+”  (link) — [I think schools implement such “alternative graduations” in order to hide such people from the family members who attend the main graduations, in order to create a false impression about the actual makeup of the student body.]


An incredibly Orwellian antisemitism bill has become law in the United States  (link) — [Lawmakers in Congress have passed a bill that designates the whims of an Establishment-based international group “The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance” as defining what antisemitism is “concerning education programs or activities, and for other purposes.”]

Laws in 38 U.S. states prohibit people from receiving government contracts or public investment funds unless they agree not to criticize Israel  (link)

House Republicans are drafting impeachment articles against Biden for threatening to halt aid to Israel, but they have never done so for any other reason  (link)

Pro-Hamas students and faculty usually wear masks to hide their identity  (link)

A violent Columbia University pro-Palestine agitator is a privileged heir to a multimillion-dollar ad empire  (link)

Ivy League universities such as Harvard are financially entangled with Hamas  (link) — “[Harvard has a] continued partnership with Birzeit University in the West Bank, which openly discriminates against Jews, and promotes Hamas and its terrorism.”

Muslims have been attempting to convert anti-Israel campus protesters  (link)

A “Queers for Palestine” group blocked an exit to Disney World in Florida, infuriating drivers  (link)

The college Hamas riots aren’t real “student protests”  (link) — “When the NYPD broke up pro-Hamas riots at Columbia and City College, half of the rioters turned out not to be students.”

Supposedly “woke” Google fired 28 employees who protested Israel’s actions in Gaza  (link) — [Sit-ins occurred in Google’s New York office where about 50 protested, and Sunnyvale, California where about 80 protested Google’s $1.2 billion cloud-based technology contract with Israel.

The employees staged sit-ins in their offices, some for more than eight hours.  28 of the highly-paid employees lost their jobs, where the company said in a statement, “Physically impeding other employees’ work and preventing them from accessing our facilities is a clear violation of our policies, and completely unacceptable behavior.”

Google embraces all other types of “woke” Establishment protests however, such as BLM protests, but they are not tolerating protesting Israel.]

The Burning Man music festival was planning to display a gigantic antisemitic watermelon sculpture entitled ”From the River to the Sea,” despite the fact that the Israeli Re'im music festival that was attacked by Hamas was a very similar type of event  (link) — [See this link about the music festival massacre.]


The New York City Department of Education is encouraging teachers to use the word “Jihad”  (link) — [New York City public school teachers are being told that the word “Jihad” simply means “a struggle” rather than a “holy war,” in order to encourage the use of the word.  Technically is it true that the word simply means “to strive, endeavor, labor, take pains, and exhaust on behalf or for the sake of something,” but in reality the term is almost always used only in connection with aggression towards non-Muslims in Islamic writings.  See this article that explains the reality of the use of the word.]

A mother in Quitman, Georgia was mauled to death by pack of dogs that targeted her kids  (link)

Video: Trump’s Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey Full Speech  (link) — [All presidents are required to serve the same small group of the global elite, and Trump is no exception.  For example Trump brought the COVID lockdown and the vaccines, he didn’t make any real reforms when it came to immigration other than giving it lip service, and he threw the election to Biden when actually he could have easily exposed the fraud that occurred if he really wanted to.

Nonetheless I think he is much preferable to Biden.  I think the biggest problem with Trump is his supporters who refuse to criticize him properly due to them thinking that he is being persecuted.]

“Snopes” is now actually reporting that Biden’s behavior toward his daughter Ashley when she was a child was “probably not appropriate,” explaining that she acknowledged her leaked diary talked about her being traumatized by him getting into the shower with her  (link) — [It’s surprising to me that Snopes would verify such a claim, since they are usually very selective about the topics that they fact check in order to not actually expose any wrongdoings of the political Establishment.  It appears that Biden may be slated to be replaced before the election, which could be problematic because he likely would be replaced by someone who seems more appealing to voters.  But on the other hand what voters think doesn’t matter much since the election machines are rigged.]

The Houston mayor is saying that the city’s police chief has been replaced amid a probe into hundreds of thousands of dropped cases, including over 4,000 sexual assault allegations  (link)

San Francisco is giving taxpayer-funded vodka shots to homeless alcoholics  (link) — “San Francisco’s managed alcohol program provides homeless alcoholics with housing, meals, activities (including crafts and outings to Giants games), and a quantity of alcoholic beverages determined by their ‘need and desire,’ with no expectation of reducing consumption.”

Biden’s DOJ is suing Sheetz convenience stores for running criminal background checks on employees that are the same as the background checks the government uses when hiring  (link)

California’s Gavin Newsom has released a video ad showing Alabama police forcing pregnancy tests on women  (link) — [The actual video is at this link.  The video is not an accurate depiction of what would happen, however.  Instead, apparently the state would implement that agenda by allowing people to sue people who were involved in facilitating the abortion, including out of state doctors and anyone who helps to transport the women to the other state for the abortion, as this link explains.

Personally I think every abortion is a tragedy and people should always choose not to have one, but I support the availability of “morning after pills” as long as they are only dispensed in person by a doctor, as well as “heartbeat bills” that allow other types of abortions only in the earliest stages of the pregnancy.  A list of abortion-related articles that I have written is at this link.]

The Baltimore mayor has announced millions in black-only arts funding, including a black leaders wax museum, citing “inequality” of such funding, while in fact there has been no such inequality  (link)

Elon Musk’s Tesla ‘autopilot’ system has been linked to 736 crashes and 17 fatalities since 2019  (link)


A conservative female politician in Germany Marie-Thérèse Kaiser has been convicted of “inciting hatred” for simply reporting statistics about Afghan Muslim migrant rape crimes  (link) — [She was charged about $3,000 and now has a criminal record for simply writing: “Afghanistan refugees; Hamburg SPD mayor for ‘unbureaucratic’ acceptance; Welcoming culture for gang rape?”]

YouTube deleted the activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek’s video warning about the globalist great replacement agenda, ridiculously calling it “hate speech”  (link)

Feminists are silent as Germany is allowing gang rapes and the prosecution of women for speaking out about it  (link) — “It’s not a secret that Feminism is a subversive hate movement promoting Marxism.  Herbert Marcuse of Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism, CIA (OSS), and the father of Critical Theory and the Radical Left movement once said that Feminism is the most promising vehicle for changing Western society.  If by that he meant destroying Western society, the nuclear family, and the men that protected it all, then ‘mission accomplished.’”

A Muslim migrant in Greece raped a 16-year-old British girl who was in a bar with her parents  (link)

A Muslim migrant woman in Germany attacked a speaker’s wife after his antisemitism lecture, hitting her in the face  (link)

An Italian police officer was critically stabbed by a Moroccan with a criminal history and no visa  (link)

An AfD lawmaker is calling for border pushbacks as illegal immigration into Germany has hit a 5-year high in the first quarter of 2024  (link)


Al-Qaeda is resurgent in Sudan, where the killings are at genocidal levels  (link)

Muslims raided a Christian village in Nigeria at 2am, murdering twelve Christians  (link)

Muslims murdered at least eight people in a jihad attack on a health center in DR Congo  (link)
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