News of Interest.TV
 by Edward Ulrich, June 13, 2024
[Update: June 15, 2024— Links to the content that is spoken about in the video are here, but Twitter has been censoring the Tweets that show graphic videos of the aftermath of the attack.]

This video report explains details of the Israeli Special Forces attack that rescued four captives in Gaza but horrifically killed over 270 Palestinian civilians, many being women and children.  (See a later section in this article for a written description of sections within the video.)

(See its Bitchute video page at this link.)

A summary of Israel’s Nuseirat rescue operation

Most of the following information is from this article on the website “The Last American Vagabond,” and from the above video.

On June 8, 2024, the Israeli military forces freed four captives that were being held in Gaza, and in the process they killed over 270 Palestinian civilians, including 64 children and 57 women, with over 400 others being injured.  During the attack 89 inhabited homes and residential buildings were bombed.

The attack was launched from a pier that was previously constructed by the U.S. military to import humanitarian aid, where the soldiers concealed themselves in two humanitarian aid trucks and were dressed as civilians.

The attack took place in a densely populated civilian area in central Gaza during the day, where the hostages were being housed in two large apartment buildings that were 200 meters apart from each other.

Shortly after entering the area, one of the Israeli special forces units were discovered by Hamas fighters who ambushed them, causing Israel to send warships, attack helicopters, drones, fighter jets, and military reinforcements on the ground.

While one of the Israeli special forces units was caught up in the ambush, another entered the civilian buildings using a ladder, where they shot and killed any civilians who got in their path on their way to the captives, as explained in this Tweet:

... the Israeli army used a ladder to enter the home of Dr. Ahmed Al-Jamal.  The army immediately executed 36-year-old Fatima Al-Jamal upon encountering her on the staircase.  The forces then stormed the house and executed her husband, journalist Abdullah Al-Jamal, 36, and his father, Dr. Ahmed, 74, in front of his grandchildren.  The army also shot their daughter, Zainab, 27, who sustained serious injuries.

While the clashes were breaking out, the Israeli forces sent missile strikes from the air into the surrounding buildings and into a nearby marketplace that was filled with civilians, which has been one of the worst massacres so far in the eight month war.  The civilians were not only killed by the airstrikes and gunfire from drones, but also by soldiers on the ground.  A report by Reuters says the assault left “mangled bodies of men, women and children strewn around a marketplace and a mosque,” where a local paramedic described the scene as being like in a horror movie.

While rescuing the four captives, the Israelis ended up accidentally killing three other captives, and a special forces commander was killed.

A team of U.S. “hostage recovery officials” stationed in Israel assisted with the attack by “providing intelligence and other logistical support,” according to the New York Times.

This operation was the first rescue mission of its kind during the war, and it has given the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu a boost of public support due to positive media coverage about the attack.  The attack also buys more time for the Israeli government to continue its war in the Gaza Strip.  President Biden commended the operation as “daring,” without making any mention of the associated atrocities.

Key sections of the above video

(The first 50 minutes of the video talks about many issues, including June 8th being the anniversary of Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty in 1967.  Following are key sections of what is spoken about after that:)

49:40 — The video explains the situation of what happened during Israel’s June 8th raid where over 270 Palestinian civilians were killed, many of them being women and children.

1:11:40 — This section of the video talks about the difference between how Palestine treats its hostages and how Israel treats its thousands of detainees who are often held without charges, where many of them are tortured and some have been in captivity for over 20 years.

1:21:05 — This section of the video shows examples of extreme hostile attitudes of some Zionists toward Palestinians, where some are advocating to kill all of them.  [Note however that genocidal attitudes of Islam toward Israel and Jews are more common, where a much higher proportion of Muslims publicly espouse such a view than Jewish people do, including before the current conflict that has been happening.  See this link, this link, and this link.  Most Westerners are unaware of the extent of the serious issues with Islam.  (But that is not to say that a lot of Israelis don’t have such views also.)]

1:39:40 — This section of the video examines how a “humanitarian aid” pier was used to launch the attack, and additional details of the operation are explained such as how the U.S. and U.K. were involved.

1:48:40 — Horrifying images are shown from the attack where many children had been killed.  It is also explained that the rationale for bombing the crowded market was to “create a path for the rescue vehicle”!

2:19:50 — They show a TikTok video by someone who says that the U.S. also used the guise of “humanitarian aid” to commit genocide in Cambodia in the 1960’s.  [Note: However he does not identify the global elite as being responsible for doing that (link and link), and he claims that their motivation for doing it was “white supremacy,” when in fact the same political Establishment historically also killed and enslaved hundreds of millions of white people, such as during the Russian Revolution and in Soviet Russia, as well as during the previous two World Wars (link).  And how can he claim that “white supremacy” is the motivation today when there is an obvious agenda being implemented to destroy white people and their culture? (link)]

2:43:45 — Footage is shown of tens of thousands of Israelis in Tel Aviv who are protesting to demand that their government complete an exchange deal with the Palestinians and for the overthrow of Netanyahu.  [Note: This is what I was talking about in the earlier point.  You will never see a similar large demonstration of Muslims criticizing their own leadership, because their religion does not allow them to do so.  See this article that explains many disturbing issues with Islam that most Westerners are unaware of.]

2:50:10 — The video explains that horrifying footage of the results of the bombings are being censored by Twitter (“X”).  [Note: It is essential for such pictures to be shown in order for people to understand the atrocities that are happening.]

3:15:10 — The video compares the healthy appearance of the recently released captives to the emaciated appearance of Palestinian prisoners of Israel after they are released.

3:50:10 — The video mentions The “Greater Israel” Project where many members of the global elite have expressed a desire to radically extend Israel’s borders, which is likely what is currently in the process of being implemented.  [Note: In any event they are actively in the process of destroying the U.S. and Europe with their intentionally harmful immigration agendas (link, link, and link).]

June 13, 2024
 by Edward Ulrich, June 13, 2024

(See the Bitchute video page at this link.)

The media outlet “The Last American Vagabond” does a good job of reporting on the atrocities that have been occurring in the Israel-Hamas war.

The video episode that is embedded here was recorded on June 7th (the day before the “Nuseirat rescue operation”), and it is three and a half hours in length.  The first half of the report talks about issues with COIVD and vaccines, the conflict in Ukraine, and about ceasefire proposals that are being attempted to be made between Israel and Palestine.

The second half of the report starting at about 2:04:00 talks about recent atrocities that have been occurring in Palestine, where Israel has been indiscriminately targeting thousands of civilians including women and children, using a rationalization of them being “human shields.”

Examples of recent atrocities that are explained include:

— A UN school was bombed, which killed over 30 people.

— People who are returning to their bombed out houses are being shot and run over with tanks.

— An Israeli drone bombed a group of children, killing 30 people.

— More bombs have been dropped on the Gaza Strip than the combined totals over Dresden, Hamburg, and London during World War II.

— Palestinian prisoners are being tortured and killed while in captivity, including by being sodomized with torture implements, as was recently reported in the New York Times.

— Horrifying footage is shown of a youth who was riding a scooter being shot and killed (at 2:36:00).

— Palestinian children have been used as human shields by the Israeli military by being handcuffed to the hood of their military vehicles.

— A typical press conference by Biden’s Department of State spokesman Matt Miller is shown, where he explains away Israeli’s atrocities by accepting its deceptive and unfounded claims without any evidence.

— Photos are shown of journalists being attacked by mobs Zionist Israeli settlers.  [Note however the pictures look obviously staged and not at all hostile, such as the one on the top of this article.]

— Israel is claiming that they are “flooding Gaza with humanitarian aid,” however they are also making sure that the aid is not actually collected by those who need it by bombing and firing on the people who attempt to retrieve it.

— Photos are shown of Palestinian children who are suffering from severe malnutrition.

— Photos are shown which are being falsely claimed to be evidence of Hamas militant activity.

— It is explained that Israeli militias historically hid weapons in schools, hospitals, and religious buildings, as Hamas is now accused of.

— Claims of a discovery of human remains of Jewish children from the October 7th attack are shown to be debunked by dentists.

— An “unnamed” British-born Israeli ex-government official is being accused by Scotland Yard of war crimes.

— The Maldives are not allowing Israelis to travel to its islands due to accusing them of being war criminals.

— The Colombian President Gustavo Petro is shown saying that the Nazis are back in power and they are taking their revenge, where “Gaza is their laboratory” and they won’t stop until they turn humanity into an “enslaved robot.”

— Footage is shown of Israeli activists in Tel Aviv that were occupying the German embassy being forcibly removed.

— A U.S. airman is seeking conscientious objector status due to the war in Gaza.

— Thousands of French, Ukrainian, Italian, German, and South African citizens took part in the assault on Gaza, and South Africa is now threatening consequences for its citizens who did so.

[Note: As this report shows, Israel does not have justification for its deadly actions even under the assumption that the official narrative about Hamas is accurate, and the situation is even more atrocious if you realize the fact that Hamas is controlled by the global elite in the first place, as this link and this link explain.

Israel has not yet said what its ultimate goal is with its military actions, or what will happen to the Palestinians afterwards, however whatever will happen is sure to be whatever the global elite has already planned even before the initial Hamas attack.  I think they intend to export the Palestinians into communities in the United States (link) and other Western countries such as in Europe (link) where mosques will be built for them, as a part of the elite’s agenda of Islamizing the West (link, link, and link).

I’m opposed to Islam as it is an oppressive and harmful ideology (link), but of course I don't think the Palestinians should be harmed as is happening now.  They are victims of the global elite just like everybody else is.

I also don’t trust most Western activist groups, as they are almost all funded and controlled by the political Establishment for harmful ulterior motives (link and link), such as to maximize divisiveness and frighten Jewish people into not speaking out about what is happening, among other reasons.  For example rather than simply effectively spreading awareness of the atrocities that have been happening, many are instead focusing on communicating that they support Hamas and that they want to harm Jews (link, link, link, and link).  (It would be interesting to see how such people would respond to being told that Hamas is controlled by the political Establishment.  I think many would be hostile to hearing that.)]

June 13, 2024
[Update: I made a joke about this article comparing closing the beaches to the Jaws movie, however I didn’t read the article carefully enough and I didn’t realize that people were in fact seriously injured.]

The United Methodist Church lost over one million members in a single day over its “LGBT Affirmation”  (link) — [See this article that explains how churches have been infiltrated by the political Establishment.]

The Biden DOJ indicted a doctor who exposed transgender child mutilation at a Texas hospital  (link)

Joe Biden addressed “transgender children” in his White House “LGBTQI+ proclamation,” asserting that his administration is protecting them from “discrimination”  (link)

Poland’s new leftist government is now promoting drag queens on public TV  (link)

A bar owner in Idaho is saying he is experiencing major retaliation after announcing a “Heterosexual Awesomeness Month” at his establishment  (link)

Philadelphia just set the largest “drag queen story time” Guinness world record  (link)

A ridiculous letter to the editor: “A lifeguard who can’t tolerate the LGBTQ+ Pride flag shouldn’t be a lifeguard”  (link)

Navy SEALs are being ridiculed for promoting LGBT “pride” on social media: “Our enemies are laughing at us”  (link)

The world’s largest children’s books publisher Scholastic has released a ‘LGBTQIAAP2S+’ guide targeting K-12 children  (link)

A California bill will force teachers to hide children’s gender confusion from their parents  (link)

A group of 26 nurses in the UK have filed a lawsuit against the National Health Service (NHS) for siding with a transgender employee who allegedly harassed female staff in the women’s changing room  (link)

The San Fransisco “Pride” parade has denied Israel a float, but it OK’ed a Palestinian one  (link)

The “RuPaul’s Drag Race” show glorifies “top surgery”  (link)

Three teenagers in Spokane, Washington were arrested this week after they rode scooters over a freshly-painted “LGBT mural” at a roadway intersection  (link) — [They are facing serious penalties for doing so.]

Spanish officials transferred a “trans woman” murderer to a women’s facility  (link)

A Melbourne, Australia elementary school has a “queer club”  (link)

A Utah lawsuit is alleging that TikTok acts as “virtual strip club,” allowing adults to pay kids to expose themselves  (link)

See an Oregon police officer tell a father that it is legal for a grown man to expose himself to his two-year-old son  (link) — [Just because such such gross nudity is allowed, it can’t mean that assaulting people while being nude is exempt from the law!  Would the cop also not charge a pedophile who raped a kid if he was naked while he did it?  I think the cop was just lazy or corrupt or he just wasn’t bright enough to figure out what he should charge the perpetrator with. Or perhaps he is some sort of an activist intending to make people angry about the laws in Oregon.]

Trump is vowing to fire generals in the Military who push wokeness  (link) — [But he’s not going to get rid of open homosexuality in the military, however.]


Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the Bill Gates-funded World Health Organization declared “we need to strategize to really push back” against so-called “anti-vaxxers”  (link)

Fauci is trashing the conservative media, ridiculously claiming the unvaccinated were responsible for 200,000 to 300,000 additional COVID deaths  (link)

A study by researchers from Oxford, Leeds, Harvard, and Bristol shows 100% of Myocarditis in kids is from the COVID shots, while effectiveness data of the shots shows no benefits for kids  (link)


Biden’s recent “action on the border” isn’t going to stop the mass release of migrants into the U.S.  (link)

Biden’s new immigration order will normalize two million migrant entries yearly  (link)

Hundreds of illegal migrants protested in Times Square to protest Biden’s supposed “border crackdown”  (link) — [They are not even in the country legally and I’d bet many of them don’t even know how to speak English.  I think the language barrier is one of the worst aspects of the situation, although there are many other issues also.  It is interesting that the political Establishment never stressed teaching English in Latin American schools decades ago since they always had the NAU integration in their plans.  See this article explaining the harmful immigration agendas that are being implemented.]

Illegal immigrants being offered an array of taxpayer funded benefits, enticing more to come  (link) — “There have been more than 7 million migrant crossings during the Biden administration”

The U.S. Border Patrol has been apprehending more than 2,600 migrants a day in just three sectors  (link) — “During Fiscal Year 23, agents apprehended an average of more than 6,780 migrants per day. So far this fiscal year, agents apprehended approximately 6,715 migrants per day.” — [Remember “apprehending” simply means taking them in for processing, where most are given court dates that are years in the future, and then they are released into the U.S.]

Two Queens NY, police officers were shot by a 19-year-old Venezuelan illegal immigrant  (link)

A gunman who shot two NYPD cops is revealed to be migrant who recently crossed into the US via Eagle Pass  (link)

An illegal alien is facing 80 years to life in prison for the attempted murder of two NYC cops  (link)

20% Of NYC’s hotels have been converted into shelters for illegal aliens, and not a single one has been converted back into a traditional hotel  (link)

President Joe Biden is saying his supposed “border shutdown” is needed to address shrinking support for migration and to preserve the 1950s narrative that America is a “Nation of Immigrants”  (link)

Corporate media on soaring housing costs: “Don’t mention mass migration”  (link)

Smugglers are using social media to lure Turkish migrants for easy entry into the US  (link)

Denver Democrats are picking illegal aliens for jobs that are needed by Americans  (link)

A North Carolina School administrator is equating a teen saying “illegal alien” to the “N-word”  (link)

Donald Trump is saying Biden’s migration is “flat-out economic warfare” against Americans  (link) — [But he didn’t actually do much about the problem while he was in office, and then he threw the election to Biden.]

A New York City man has caught the first known case of a form of a sexually transmitted ringworm in the U.S.  (link)

An Obama ambassador is claiming that illegal migrants will flee to Canada if Trump is elected  (link) — [Trump likely won’t actually do anything about the situation other than slow the flow.]

Nearly 80 illegals were pulled from trucks and a stash house in Texas during smuggling busts over three days  (link)


Unarmed social workers will now be responding to 911 calls in Boston  (link) — [This communist agenda has been the whole point of BLM’s fraudulent “defund the police” shtick.  A significant purpose of the “community police” is to provide services to the incoming illegal migrants.]

The Republican Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie told Tucker Carlson that every GOP member of Congress has an “AIPAC Babysitter”  (link) — [But remember Freemasonry is the most significant mechanism for the Establishment’s control over the politicians.]

California’s first Muslim senator is ensuring to keep the state a sanctuary for sexual abuse  (link) — “In California, it’s okay to shoplift or solicit sex from a minor.  Both are misdemeanors which means that they’re hardly even worth prosecuting.”

See a horrifying video of a madman firing randomly at cars in LA, killing a father of four  (link) — [This is why it is important for more people to carry a gun in their bag.  It would certainly be useful in a situation like that.]

Disinformation article: “The Kansas Supreme Court has ruled that voting is not a fundamental right. What’s next for voters?”  (link) — [This is a typical way that the political Establishment attempts to create support for fraudulent voting policies.]

A Chicago teen mob attacked a pregnant couple, resulting in the loss of their unborn baby  (link)

President Biden has been defecating on himself in public and the Deep State is about to remove him  (link)

Boston’s insane leftist mayor is saying criminals should not be prosecuted for theft, and the city’s gang registry should be abolished  (link) — [The New England states are just as bad as on the West Coast.]

An Ex-Food Network chef was finally booted from his NYC apartment after using loopholes to avoid paying his rent for over four years, depriving the owner of over $145,000 in rent payments  (link) — “He [also] previously failed to pay $46,200 in rent on an apartment he lived on Concord Street in Downtown Brooklyn from 2012 to 2015, according to court records.” — [Just because something is technically legal doesn’t mean it is necessarily ethical.  I hope the owner will be able to sue the city to get the money back due to the bad laws about that matter.]

The world’s largest math education organization is injecting identity politics, telling teachers to “regularly and intentionally integrate more equity, justice, and culturally centered mathematics education” in every math lesson  (link)

A sniper in Florida killed a bank robber that was holding hostages by shooting through a computer monitor that was in the way  (link)

An insane father in New Jersey dodged a murder charge after killing his son by forcing him to run on a treadmill  (link) — [Also see this video about it.]

The Virginia home that exploded in December was actually detonated on purpose by its owner who died inside  (link)

The St Louis couple who stood up to BLM rioters invading their gated neighborhood have officially had their convictions overturned and their guns returned  (link)

An obese woman was awarded the title of Miss Alabama  (link)

A CEO of a school district DEI training company called “Epoch Education” says the American flag is becoming a “hate” symbol, and employees who resist CRT should be fired  (link) — [People should be thankful to live in Florida that pushes back against that garbage.]

A West African and Caribbean restaurant in St. Louis, Missouri decided to only allow men 35 years old and up or women 30 years old and up to enter past 7 PM due to the unruly nature of its late-night crowds  (link) — [That’s old for a lower limit! That area must be in bad shape.]

Jeff Bezos donated $30 Million to fund fake meat and other “sustainable proteins”  (link)

A $165 million luxury apartment building is set to open for the Los Angeles homeless population  (link)

Jay Leno is railing against the light treatment for catalytic converter thieves after the murder of the “General Hospital” star Johnny Wactor  (link) - “It is also a huge inconvenience for car owners hit by these thieves. For one thing, it is illegal to remove a converter and a missing device can result in a big fine, so car owners are obligated to replace them when they are stolen.  But the repairs can cost them thousands of dollars.  Worse, it may take many months to get the job done because there have been so many thefts that repair places have long waiting lists, not to mention a backorder for the parts.”

Democrats are fear mongering to try to push through a bill that forces the availability of contraception everywhere  (link) — “This bill infringes on the parental rights and religious liberties of some Americans and lets the federal government force religious institutions and schools, even public elementary schools, to offer contraception like condoms to little kids. … ‘With this bill, the devil is in the details.  It requires taxpayers to bail out profit-driven abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood, where expectant mothers are sold abortions 97% of the time,” … ‘It could even go so far as to create a ‘right’ to abortion drugs. It’s clear the Democrats’ priority is not helping women, but helping the abortion lobby that spends millions to get them elected.’”

The restaurant Rubio’s Coastal Grill abruptly shut down 48 restaurants in California, citing rising business costs  (link)

See a woman in Minnesota chase after a mother bear who was chasing her German Shepard  (link)

Costco is kicking non-members out of its food courts due to it being priced as a loss leader to attract customers  (link)

A couple found a safe containing $100,000 while magnet fishing in Queens, NY  (link)

A Bill Gates-connected firm is planing to release a “climate change VACCINE”  (link)

A woman in Florida recorded a huge 5-foot Asian water monitor lizard  (link)

A fossil-hunting diver on the Florida coast discovered a Mastadon tusk  (link)

Trump told Fox News that Israel needs to “finish the job” in Gaza and pledged to restore the Israel Lobby’s power over Congress if elected  (link)

The 34 counts of “falsifying business records” that Trump was indicted for are for “legal expenses” that were diverted to the Stormy Daniels as “hush money”  (link)

A B-52 Bomber crew was given an award for being able to pull their plane out of life-threatening catastrophic failures in Nevada  (link) — “All the systems kicked off at once, and the aircraft went completely dark, engines flamed out, and controlling the aircraft became a battle.”

Breitbart’s Steve Bannon has been ordered by a federal judge on Thursday to report to prison by July 1 to begin serving his four-month sentence for contempt of Congress  (link) — [The Babylon Bee is saying that he is looking forward to a hot shower, a shave, and clean clothes.  (I do appreciate Bannon and the Brietbart outlet, I hope things will be ok with that.)]

The Babylon Bee: The White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is saying that Biden nailed a 360 Kickflip McTwist on the White House half pipe  (link)


The 25-year-old Afghan in Germany who stabbed a police officer to death and also brutally stabbed the Islamic critic and politician Michael Stürzenberger lived in the country illegally for years  (link)

A Conservative German politician from the anti-Islamization AFD (Alternative for Germany) Party Heinrich Koch was stabbed in the street by an Afghan Muslim; it is the second time in a week that a conservative politician has been nearly murdered by a Muslim in that city  (link)

An Afghan man in Germany attacked police officers with long blade just days after the Mannheim terror attack  (link)

Establishment media reports are deceptively attempting to create an impression that a cop died in Germany due to being attacked by an “opponent” of Islam, rather than a “proponent” of it  (link)

A Muslim in the UK stabbed a lesbian to death, and attempted to murder her partner also  (link)

Middle East migrants stabbed a Polish soldier to death at the border with Belarus  (link)

Seven Muslims in the UK have been found guilty of child sex oftenses in Rotherham  (link)

A Muslim migrant in Greece raped a French tourist  (link)

A Zambian asylum seeker in France will not serve jail time for sexually assaulting the 13-year-old daughter of his friend  (link)

Three Muslims in France were indicted for plotting a jihad against “people deemed anti-Muslim”  (link)

Tens of thousands of angry Irish citizens took to the streets to protest their government’s policy of mass Muslim immigration  (link)

The UK is planning to build 46,000 houses for Muslims  (link)

Germany has been naturalizing record numbers of migrants  (link)

Pope Francis is comparing migrants to the exodus of ‘people of Israel’ from Egypt  (link)

Private Muslim schools in France have lost their government funding  (link) — “President Emmanuel Macron has undertaken a crackdown on what he calls Islamist separatism and radical Islam in France following deadly jihadist attacks in recent years by foreign and homegrown militants. … The crackdown seeks to limit foreign influence over Muslim institutions in France and tackle what Macron has said is a long-term Islamist plan to take control of the French Republic.”

The migration debate is dominating in Germany ahead of EU elections after a Muslim migrant stabbed a policeman to death  (link) — [The situation is hopeless for Germany until they get out of the European Union.]

Sweden has Introduced its first “stop-and-frisk” zone in crime-ridden areas  (link) — “The ‘stop-and-frisk’ law, which took force in April, allows police to conduct body searches as well as vehicle searches without a warrant or probable cause ‘to the extent necessary to prevent or stop the criminal activity that the zone has been introduced to counteract.’”

Leftists in Europe are saying that the solution to illegal immigration is to make all of them legal  (link)

Muslims in Austria shared execution videos, set up their own Mosque with an ISIS flag, and called for the killing of non-Muslims  (link)

Britain is going to become an Islamic state  (link)


The platform of the new Soros-affiliated woman president of Mexico is pro-abortion, “LGBT”, and “climate change”  (link) — [She is also Jewish while Mexico is overwhelmingly Christian, and it was the most violent election in history where over 30 Mexican politicians were killed and eleven were kidnapped (link).]

A Mexican mayor was killed hours after first woman was elected president  (link)

Israel rescued four hostages that were kidnapped in the Hamas attack on October 7  (link)

The Gaza health ministry is saying the IDF killed at least 274 people in its hostage rescue operation  (link)

An Israeli strike killed at least 33 people at a Gaza school that the military claims was being used by Hamas  (link)

The New York Times is saying Israel tortured and sexually abused Palestinian detainees at an Israeli military base  (link)

Israeli strikes killed 11 overnight in Gaza, including a family of three at a refugee camp  (link)

“Diminished Hamas switches to full insurgent mode in Gaza”  (link)

UN aid workers in Gaza are making women trade sex for food, according to a UN report  (link) — “[I]nsufficient and unreliable aid, distributed under conditions of insecurity that do not allow adequate targeting, expose vulnerable groups to violence, exploitation and abuse, trafficking and forced prostitution, including by aid workers.”

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been threatening to expand the Gaza conflict into Lebanon against Hezbollah  (link) — [Iran, and thus Hezbollah are controlled by the global elite.]

Slovenia has joined Ireland, Spain, and Norway in recognizing a Palestinian state  (link)

Judicial Watch: Of the nearly $3 billion in humanitarian aid that the United States has given to Afghanistan since the 2021 military withdraw, at least $11 million (and likely a lot more) has gone to the Taliban  (link) — “The terrorist group has taken the millions in humanitarian and development assistance intended to help the people of Afghanistan in the form of taxes, fees, import duties, permit charges, licenses, or public utility services.  The Taliban has probably received a much bigger chunk of the humanitarian assistance because the parties involved in the cash giveaway, including federal agencies, the famously corrupt United Nations and handpicked nonprofits, do not bother keeping track.”

Muslims stormed a fishing village in Nigeria, rounded up fishermen and opened fire, murdering 31 of them  (link)

Muslims in Nigeria murdered a farmer who was trying to stop them from raping a 13-year-old girl  (link)

An elderly Christian man in Pakistan was lynched over false blasphemy charges  (link)

Muslim students in Bangladesh brutally beat a Hindu student over accusations that he criticized Muhammad  (link)

The UN’s International Criminal Court (ICC) power grab will put every person on Earth in its crosshairs  (link)

Judicial Watch: The U.S. is paying to combat AI-generated misinformation in Iraq, claiming democracy is at risk  (link)

Russia just referred to the US as ‘an enemy’ for first time since the Cold War  (link)

China landed on the “dark side” of moon to collect rock and soil samples  (link)

The US State Department admits that Biden’s ceasefire plan is “virtually identical” to Hamas proposals  (link)

South Korea is vowing an “unbearable” response after North Korea dumped 15 tons of garbage and feces on it from balloons  (link)

A remote Amazon tribe was connected to the internet, only to wind up getting hooked on porn and social media  (link)

A Swiss school is going to test Bluetooth tracker bracelets on its third and fourth grade students  (link)

A new European study is recommending hiding insect “flour” in popular foods  (link)

Greg Reese video: “The Ritual Regicide of the Romanov Dynasty”  (link) — [That is even much more of a horrible fate than what I previously thought had happened.  The Illuminati who still run he world today did that.]

June 10, 2024
 by Edward Ulrich, June 5, 2024

Image from Wikipedia.
This article is a summary of arguments both claiming that Israel is an “apartheid state” and claiming that it is not.  It is mostly a summary of a 2023 Vox article that explains the matter, and I have added additional information and commentary.

[Note: I found the information in the Vox article to be very thorough, so I have decided to summarize it here.  I don’t agree with many of the articles on that media outlet however, where a lot of them have an extreme pro-Establishment bias such as this ridiculous article that claims the U.S. government has not been going far enough with its persecution of Donald Trump.

I think it is interesting that such a pro-Establishment media outlet would publish an article that is as critical of Israel as this one is, which I think demonstrates the fact that the global elite are not exclusively “Jewish” as some activists try to claim they are.  (Additionally most of the human rights groups mentioned in the article that criticize Israel are controlled by the political Establishment, as the UN also is.)]

What is an “apartheid state”?

The term “apartheid” is translated into “apartness” in the Afrikaans language, and it refers to the previous system in South Africa that segregated white and black people in its society, where laws deprived black people of access to land, voting rights, and the ability to move freely across the country.  (Note the article I’m summarizing capitalizes the word “black” while not capitalizing “white.”  There is actually a ridiculous movement in the Establishment media to do that!)

In the past 50 years, international bodies such as the UN put forth multiple definitions of apartheid, including the UN’s “1973 International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid,” and the ICC’s 1998 definition of apartheid which is more commonly known as “The Rome Statue,” which defines it as “inhumane acts ... committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group ... and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.”  Under international law engaging in those activities is considered a “crime against humanity.”


In recent years many human rights organizations and legal experts have been claiming that Israel’s policies fit the definition of apartheid, where the criticism is essentially always aimed at the occupied Palestine territories, and sometimes it is also aimed at the policies within Israel’s borders.

Both Israeli and Palestinian human rights groups such as Al-Haq and B’Tselem have been critical of Israel’s policies and they label it is as apartheid, along with people such Michael Lynk who was the UN special rapporteur focused on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories.  Such people make those claims based on the following “three-part test” that is based on both the 1973 convention and the Rome Statute:

1. The state implements systematic institutionalized racial oppression and discrimination.

2. The state has an intent to maintain the dominance of one racial group over another.

3. The state commits inhumane acts as an integral part of the process.

1. “The state implements systematic institutionalized racial oppression and discrimination”

Within the occupied territories, Israeli settlers have a different set of legal rights than Palestinians do, as explained in the following points:

[Note however that there have been legitimate security reasons for some of these measures, as explained in the last section of this article.]

— Israeli settlers in the territories can vote in Israeli elections, while Palestinians cannot.

— Israeli settlers are able to freely travel across the occupied territories, and into Israel, while Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank cannot.  Palestinians must apply for permits to travel which are difficult to obtain.  Most Palestinians in Gaza are unable to leave the area at all, while ones in the West Bank face military checkpoints in order to travel in and out of the area.

— Israeli settlers are tried in Israeli civilian courts if they are accused of a crime, while Palestinians are tried in Israeli military courts which have a very high conviction rate and limited rights of due process.

— Israeli settlers have the freedom of political speech and protest, while Palestinians have those rights restricted.

— Palestinians sometimes have their land seized to be used for Israeli settlements and infrastructure.

— Palestinian areas in the West Bank are walled off and isolated from each other, and some roads are segregated for Palestinian and Israeli traffic.


Palestinian citizens of Israel have a much wider set of rights than non-Israeli residents in the occupied territories, but in some ways they are still second class citizens:

— Palestinian Israelis have the ability to vote in Israeli elections and they can even serve as politicians in Israel’s Knesset, which is its parliament.

— Palestinian Israelis have limited opportunities to own land and build homes due to zoning restrictions that limit expansion, and if they attempt to build homes without being properly zoned to do so they risk having their homes demolished.

— Human rights groups claim that Palestinian Israelis are subject to evictions in order to clear the way for more Jewish-majority neighborhoods.

— 1950 legislation called “The Law of Return” enables any Jewish person to move to Israel to become a citizen, while Palestinians don’t have that right even if their families were previously displaced from the area that is now within the borders of Israel.

— Almost all Jewish Israelis are required to serve in the military, however Palestinian Israelis are not required to do so, so many don’t.  However citizens who don’t serve in the military are deprived of many social benefits, and the few Jewish Israelis who are exempted from serving have access to certain subsidies that non-military Palestinians do not.

— While they are granted “citizenship,” Palestinian citizens of Israel are denied a “nationality,” establishing a legal differentiation from Jewish Israelis.  That distinction matters because many policies related to issues such as immigration are tied to nationality rather than only citizenship.

2. “The state has an intent to maintain the dominance of one racial group over another”

In 2018, Israel had passed what is known as the “Nation-State law” that prioritizes the rights of Israeli Jewish residents over the rights of the other groups.  The law states that the right to “national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people,” it says “the state views Jewish settlement as a national value and will labor to encourage and promote its establishment and development,” and it also removed the designation of Arabic as being an official language.

Israeli government officials such as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regularly express the intent to maintain the dominance of Judaism in the country.  For example in 2019 Netanyahu stated, “[Israel is] the national state, not of all its citizens, but only of the Jewish people.”

Outside of Israel’s borders, the Israeli government has supported what UN leaders call “illegal settlements” in the occupied territories which has displaced many Palestinians.  For example, a 2023 UN report says that 700,000 Israeli settlers are living illegally in 279 settlements in the West Bank.  The influx of Israelis has also been linked to violence against the Palestinians who live in the area, and it has led to the displacement of more than 1,100 Palestinians in the area.

Michael Lynk wrote in a UN report, “Israeli political leaders, past and present, have repeatedly stated that they intend to retain control over all of the occupied territory in order to enlarge the blocs of land for present and future Jewish settlement while confining the Palestinians to barricaded population reserves.”

3. “The state commits inhumane acts as an integral part of the process”

The UN has a list of what it constitutes as “inhumane acts,” which range from “denial to a member or members of a racial group or groups of the right to life and liberty” to “persecution of organizations and persons ... because they oppose apartheid.”  UN reports argue that many of the items on the list apply to Israel, as in the following points:

— The blockage of Gaza are measures that are “designed to divide the population along racial lines by the creation of separate reserves and ghettos for the members of a racial group or groups.”

— “The disproportionate killings and woundings of civilians by the Israeli military” is a case of “infliction upon the members of a racial group or groups of serious bodily or mental harm.”

— Palestinians face serious limitations of their freedom of expression and protest, which is an example of “persecution of organizations and persons, by depriving them of fundamental rights and freedoms.”

— Michael Lynk wrote in a UN report, “The most stark thing I could say to try to illustrate this is that the poorest Israeli Jewish settlement in the West Bank enjoys more political, more economic, and more legal rights than the best and most well-off of Palestinian communities living right beside them.  And that is probably the starkest and most visible example of how this huge differentiation of rights favors Israeli Jews and disadvantages Palestinian Arabs.”

— Lynk’s report and other recent decisions to label Israel as an apartheid state come after decades of advocacy by Palestinian groups, and more recently by liberal Israeli groups such as B’tselem that are now describing the country as being that way.

— Recently, leading Israeli historians and scholars such as Omer Bartov, an Israeli-born Holocaust historian at Brown University, have been referring to Israeli as a “regime of apartheid” due to its behavior in the occupied territories.


Despite many organizations such as the UN and human rights groups calling Israel an apartheid state, many pro-Israel groups deny that claim, such as the ADL, the Biden Administration, the US House of Representatives, and the European Commission.

Usually such groups claim that Israel is justified in its actions due to “security reasons,” and they also point to the fact that Palestinians who are living in Israel have mostly the same rights as Jewish Israelis do.  For example they claim that travel restrictions between Israel and the West Bank are necessary due to concerns about suicide bombers.

Such groups also point out that non-Jews are able to serve as politicians in the Knesset (which is Israel’s parliament), and they are able to serve in Israel’s court system including in its Supreme Court.

In a 2022 Daily Beast article, Haaretz opinion editor Anat Kaam wrote, “There are Arab citizens—citizens with full, equal rights—in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, as well as in the Israeli court system, including the Supreme Court.  There are Arab doctors, professors, policemen, teachers, and countless other professions, working side by side with Jews.”

A Trump attorney Robert Ash wrote in a 2023 paper that Arab citizens living in Israel have an opportunity to succeed, and he pointed out that Israel’s actions in the occupied territories are due to the ongoing conflicts between Palestine and the Israeli government.

(The Vox article then says that the above pro-Israel arguments fail to acknowledge the way that Israel discriminates against Palestinian citizens inside its borders as claimed by human rights groups.  Following are the closing statements of the article:)

… Again, Palestinians in Israel face restrictions on the land they can buy and barriers to certain social services as well as family reunification.  Inside Israel, despite Palestinians comprising around 20 percent of the population, Palestinian municipalities make up just 3 percent of its land, Human Rights Watch says.  And while Palestinian citizens of Israel may have more rights than Palestinians in the occupied territories, experts emphasize that the disparities they experience are undergirded by the same institutionalized racism at their core.

“If there are 7 million Israeli Jews and 7 million Palestinian Arabs under the rule of Israel, and Israel is meant to be a Jewish state, then there is no other explanation than race and ethnicity to explain the treatment of the 5.2 million Palestinians under occupation without rights and the 1.8 million Palestinian citizens of Israel with second-class rights,” says Lynk.  “None of this is acceptable under any modern understanding of democracy.”

There has been legitimacy to the concept of the need for security in Israel, justifying some of its policies

[Note this section is not a part of the Vox article that I have just summarized.]

Pro-Israel advocates have always cited the need for security as being the reason for its policies in the occupied territories, and in fact there is legitimacy to that claim for some of the policies.

Palestinian attitudes toward Israel and Jews have historically been openly genocidal.  For example the initial Hamas Charter written in 1988 specifically called for the destruction of Israel and all Jewish people, where it cites Islamic scripture that says, “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them.  Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.’”

Israel left the Gaza Strip entirely in 2005, after which Palestinians soon voted Hamas into power, where the group took totalitarian control of the region and engaged in terrorist attacks against Israel such as rocket attacks and suicide bombings.  This led to Israel implementing a blockade of the Gaza Strip where entry and exit from the area are now prohibited from the sea and air, and the flow of goods and people are now restricted.

This video that was made in 2021 explains the harmful behavior of Hamas towards Palestinians.

Of course not all Palestinians support Hamas, but many do.  A December 14, 2023 Reuters poll claims that 72% percent of Palestinian respondents said they believed the Hamas decision to launch the October 7th attack of southern Israel was “correct” given its outcome so far, while only 22% said it was “incorrect.”

The goals of Hamas are ultimately “offensive” and not “defensive,” as they are based on Islamic Jihadist scripture.  See this video that explains the stages of Jihad.

(Note however that there are issues due to Hamas actually being a creation of the political Establishment, which complicates the situation.  But regardless of the actual source of Hamas, it is widely popular among Palestinians and other Muslims.)

This video explains that Palestinian children have been systematically taught in their public schools and elsewhere to hate Jews; where their textbooks advocate for violent Jihad and even suicide bombing, and the state of Israel is not even depicted on their maps.

This article contains video clips from a Palestinian children’s show that was created between 2007 to 2009 that focused on creating violent incitement against Jews and Westerners, including even advocating for the children in its audience to be suicide bombers

This article explains that footage exists of thousands of Palestinians celebrating when they learned about the 9/11 attacks, also explaining that most of the footage was suppressed by the Associated Press.

June 5, 2024
The former Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade is being criticized for launching an online support group that helps children become transvestites  (link)

A homosexual “throuple” is seeking three-way equal legal recognition as “fathers” for an adopted two-year-old daughter and six-month-old surrogate-born son; They say they are on a quest to help other homosexual threesomes acquire motherless babies  (link)

California is considering legislation to conceal students’ gender transitions from parents  (link)

The Catholic Vatican’s World Children’s Day featured a drag performer  (link)

California Democrats want to fast-track medical licenses for applicants who will provide “gender-affirming care”  (link)

A North Carolina judge has ruled that a 25-year-old woman’s lawsuit against the doctors who “transitioned” her as a teenager can proceed  (link)

Some Canadian parents are set to keep kids home from school for the beginning of gay sex pride month  (link)

A lifeguard is suing LA county, alleging that he was punished for refusing to fly a homosexual flag despite his being a Christian  (link) — [I don’t think people should be required to be a member of any religious group in order to decline advocating for homosexuality, however.]

A judge who put a transvestite child rapist in a women’s prison has been nominated to a U.S. District Court by Joe Biden  (link)


The Biden admin is quietly offering mass amnesty to migrants as he just terminated 350,000 asylum cases  (link)

The US is planning to send South American illegal aliens to Europe  (link)

Illegal aliens from Chechnya were found outside of a special forces officer’s home near a North Carolina military base with a telephoto lens on their camera  (link)

Colombian illegals have been caught installing hidden cameras in Southern California neighborhoods to spy on homes to target them for burglary  (link)

The DHS has a pattern of releasing suspected terrorists who threaten U.S. military bases and critical infrastructure  (link)

See a woman explain the situation of her plane being filled with illegal migrants leaving from the Tucson, Arizona airport  (link)

If Biden and the Democrats win, they will give all illegals full citizenship and voting rights  (link)

A man was stabbed during a massive “migrant brawl” outside of a Chicago shelter  (link)

A Pakistani migrant swerved at Orthodox students and a rabbi with his car outside a Brooklyn Jewish school while allegedly yelling, “I’m gonna kill all the Jews”  (link)

Brawling migrants battered and bit cops who turned up to break up a fight at the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC  (link)

A female illegal alien wanted for murder in Mexico was arrested after being located in Texas  (link)

The Hamas-linked CAIR is claiming that a Minnesota town’s moratorium on a 150 acre site for building a mosque is discriminatory  (link)

The Biden administration is suing Oklahoma over a new law that allows the arrest of illegal migrants  (link)

Texas law enforcement found 27 illegal migrants crammed into a horse trailer during a traffic stop  (link)

Texas DPS arrested two Syrian nationals in Maverick County  (link)

The chief of U.S. Border Patrol is reporting that over 52,000 “special interest” aliens have been encountered crossing illegally since October 1st, almost 90% of which have been in the San Diego sector  (link)

Judicial Watch video: “How Many Illegal Alien Votes are Too Many?”  (link)


A Canadian woman was offered euthanasia after being paralyzed with the COVID shot; now she is suing Moderna  (link)

Japanese People held a massive protest against the WHO and deadly COVID vaccines  (link)

Fauci is now confessing that he “made up” COVID rules, including six feet social distancing & masking kids  (link)

A study show COVID shots during pregnancy cause brain damage in offspring  (link)

Oklahoma has become the second US state to pass a law that denies jurisdiction to the WHO, UN and WEF  (link)

24 Republican governors are telling Biden that they will resist the unconstitutional WHO pandemic treaty  (link)

An mRNA bird flu vaccine is in development  (link)


A prominent Islam critic was wounded during a brutal stabbing rampage in Germany  (link)

Many leftists and Muslims are rejoicing at the stabbing of the Islam-critical activist Michael Stürzenberger in Germany  (link)

Tension is growing in Ireland as tent encampments are spreading throughout Dublin  (link)

Seven out of ten Europeans believe their country takes in too many migrants  (link) — [But they don’t know what needs to be done about it.  It is most important that they get their countries out of the European Union and fix the fraudulent voting machines.]

The Irish government placed 100 migrants next door to a woman whose sister was killed by a migrant in 2003  (link)

See courageous Muslim women in Britain expose horrific abuses that women are subjected to within their own families, such as incest and forced marriage to blood relatives  (link)

Campaign messages are sent out in the Pakistani language of Urdu in the heavily Islamized city of Bradford, UK  (link)

An Indian truck driver in Canada is being deported due to causing the deaths of 16 people with his reckless negligence of speeding and not stopping at a stop sign  (link) — [Leftists are up in arms about his deportation however, such as in this Tweet, and this Tweet.]

Four people were injured in Lyon, France in a Muslim knife attack in its subway system  (link)

Canada is pledging 5,000 more visas for Gazans  (link) — [I’m not against them being helped, but they shouldn’t be brought to the West.]

A Syrian migrant in Germany sexually assaulted a 78-year-old woman, then raped a 23-year-old woman the next day after his immediate release  (link)

Paul Joseph Watson video: “When Cultural Enrichment Goes Wrong”  (link)

A Somalian migrant who arrived in Ireland two weeks ago is saying a lawyer is helping him to bring his wife and seven kids  (link)


Carjackers shot at a family in a driveway in West Jackson, Mississippi  (link)

Washington is considering the deployment of nuclear-armed cruise missiles on Virginia-class attack submarines to deter China and Russia  (link)

Concerns are being raised about a particular judge overseeing a trial about a gang rape and murder of an LSU student due to her history of leniency toward black men  (link)

The “Goodfellas” actor Frank Sivero is calling AMC’s ridiculous new trigger warnings before the movie “an insult”  (link)

The ACLU is suing Pennsylvania to force counties to count fraudulent mail-in ballots  (link)

A man accused of assaulting strangers in New York City in a string of “anti-female, anti-white, and antisemitic incidents” was indicted on hate crimes charges  (link)

The ex-stripper mother of Hunter Biden’s estranged child will be publishing a tell-all book in August  (link)

See a bear break into a California home to steal a package of Oreos; also see him stealing a package of Oreos from a nearby car on another occasion  (link) — [He seems to like chocolate, but apparently it is bad for bears as this link explains.]

Emails reveal that Joe and Hunter Biden used a visit to a Sandy Hook memorial service to set up a secret meeting with the Chinese over a $10 million-a-year deal  (link)

The “General Hospital" star Johnny Wactor’s cause of death in Los Angeles has been revealed, he was shot by a car thief  (link)

A new video shows the slain soap actor Johnny Wactor working as a bartender  (link)

Trump is considering a White House advisory role for Elon Musk as they hold calls “several times a month”  (link)

The New York Times is saying that claiming Israel is committing genocide in Palestine is an “Antisemitic Blood Libel”  (link) — [But the definition of “genocide” is only ”The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.”  Some Jews apparently only want the word to apply to the Holocaust.]

Video: “How to Keep Your Kitchen Mouse-Free”  (link) — [It’s good that they mention no-kill traps.  I’ve used these baited cages that work well.  If you just allow cats to catch the mice they will die horrible deaths because the cats try to keep them alive so they can play with them.]

A woman in Los Angeles killed her boyfriend by stabbing him 108 times, but she was not sentenced to jail because she was under the influence of marijuana when she did it  (link) — [I can’t imagine how anyone could have such a reaction to only marijuana, it sounds like she was also under the influence of other drugs.]

A thief in Pennsylvania ran up and stole a package from the porch of a house right in front of the owner on camera  (link) — [The package contained six iPhones, according to the owner.]

Three people were arrested after a man was attacked with a machete inside the Times Square McDonald’s in New York  (link)

A Massachusetts man was arrested for tricking his ex-girlfriend into taking abortion pills by claiming they were vitamins  (link)

A Judge acquitted an attacker who stole a police car, ran over a Chicago cop, and crashed into four vehicles  (link)

Biden is falsely claiming that a previous BLM attack on the White House was “peaceful”  (link)

The Republican Party of Texas approved a series of uncompromising positions on issues ranging from homosexual marriage to no-fault divorce in its official platform  (link)

Joe Biden held a supposedly “big” rally of only a few rows of people crammed into a corner of a school gym in Philadelphia  (link)

Texas’ primary results is revealing deep RINO rot  (link)

Judicial Watch is filling a lawsuit against inappropriate “reparations” in Evanston, Illinois  (link)

The Iowa Republican Ashley Hinson’s “Farm Bill” provision could stop China’s buyout of U.S. farmland; The communist country has already purchased about 350,000 acres  (link) — [The bill is here.]

Six of Rashida Tlaib’s main fundraisers have close ties to Hamas  (link)

Iran’s Supreme leader issued a Tweet hailing pro-Hamas U.S. college students as “standing on the right side of history”  (link)

Boston’s Mayor Michelle Wu is being criticized for her plan to give 11-year-old kids and migrants voting powers  (link)

A U.S. Army vet was mauled by a grizzly bear while on his honeymoon; he was saved by the bear biting a can of bear spray that exploded in his mouth  (link)

See a video showing a Southern California street mob attack a Sheriff deputy’s cruiser, and even attempt to carjack it  (link)

Biden has been doing everything he can to protect, fund and kowtow to Iran despite its hostile attitudes toward the West and its own people; Biden also shared sensitive and classified documents with it  (link)

Pro-Palestine protesters blocked a gay march in Philadelphia  (link)

Trump will be banned from the UK, Canada, and other countries if his felony conviction holds up  (link)

Tesla and CEO Elon Musk are pushing back against institutional investors who have expressed opposition to Musk’s disputed $58 billion compensation package from 2018  (link)

The Biden Campaign is repeating a lie that Trump tear-gassed protesters to clear a D.C. park for a bible photo-op  (link)


Bill Maher is saying pro-Palestine demonstrators should fight against the actual apartheid against women in the Middle East rather than “fictional apartheid” in Israel  (link) — [You don’t have to be pro-Islam to be opposed to the harmful things that Israel is doing in Palestine however, and it is also fair to call Israel an “apartheid state.”  However I do think that many of the Western protesters are naively pro-Islam as Maher is suggesting.  Also Iran is run by the political establishment.]

The husband of an Italian right-wing politician was found dead with a “zip tie” around his neck  (link)

40% Of women under 24 in Spain now identify as left-wing or far-left, according to the Spanish National Centre of Sociological Research  (link)

A young German woman was banned from a university for singing an anti-immigration song privately on social media; but when a Muslim beat a student and sent him to the hospital, expelling him was not allowed because of his “fundamental right to an education”  (link)

A Mossad spy chief threatened an ICC Prosecutor who was investigating Israel’s war crimes  (link)

Video: “Young new immigrants are flocking to Israel to enlist in the IDF and ‘protect the homeland’”  (link) — [I like Israeli people, but the extreme hawkish mentalities of some of them is disturbing.  I think most of them are fed up with the harmful situations that their government drags them into, but many are afraid to speak out about it.]

A Green minister’s speech in Germany was drowned out by both right wing and leftist protesters against her pro-Israel war policies  (link)

The Israeli embassy In Mexico City was set on fire by protesters  (link)

A top Israeli official is saying fighting in Gaza is likely to last at least another seven months  (link)

Nikki Haley visited Israel, and wrote ‘finish them’ on an Israeli artillery shell  (link)

The Associated Press (AP) is no longer allowed in Israel after the Zionist state raided the media outlet’s facility in the southern town of Sderot  (link)

“Young, green and European: Meet the new [corrupt] generation of eco-activists running in the EU elections”  (link)

North Korea has ridiculously been floating large balloons carrying trash and dumping it on South Korea  (link)

June 3, 2024
A U.S. Navy commander is warning that foreign nationals are attempting to penetrate military bases “two or three times a week”  (link)

A federal judge last year upheld a Washington D.C. law that allows illegal aliens to vote in municipal elections, and it also permits non-citizens to run for office  (link)

An academic journal “Electoral Studies” had found that up to a third of all non-citizens in the US are illegally registered to vote  (link)

The US government has been working hand-in-hand with “non Government Organizations” (NGO’s) such as the “Hebrew Immigration Aid Society” that are bringing millions of illegals into the U.S.  (link)

Illegals are staging themselves being robbed in order to fraudulently secure “U-Visas”  (link)

Hundreds of illegals in Chicago are paying to be “robbed” by phony holdup crews to gain favorable immigration status; one of the “robbers” accidentally shot someone during one of the staged events  (link)

The Obama State Department blocked the FBI from arresting people who are illegally in the US that were aiding Iran’s nuke program  (link)

Chinese spies keep getting sweetheart deals rather than prison  (link)

San Diego continues as the number one spot for migrant crossings and releases  (link)

A previously deported illegal alien was arrested for raping a child in Virginia  (link)

An Illegal border crosser was arrested for sexual assault and trafficking of a 12-year-old girl in Wisconsin  (link)

A Mexican illegal was arrested for slamming a work van into school bus, killing a motorcyclist in South Carolina  (link)

An illegal alien was charged in a high-speed DUI crash involving five cars in Florida  (link)

An illegal alien who was shot while attacking a border patrol agent was wanted for murder  (link)

Senate Republicans are again being blamed for “blocking a border security bill” in order to supposedly “campaign on the border chaos”  (link) — [It is true that they are not doing anything significant about the problem, however.  But their reasons are simply because almost all of them want open borders just like the Democrats do.]

An illegal alien living for free in Rochester, NY is saying on the local TV news that she is still not happy  (link)

Watch: Mexican authorities tow dozens of US-bound migrants in a disabled big rig  (link)

A former top California Republican is complaining that migrants are infiltrating his upscale beach town  (link)

An Illegal immigrant From Turkey gave an interview on Fox News explaining he is shocked at how easy it was to cross the border  (link)

See illegals “sick of waiting” for the border patrol hop a Lyft ride in California  (link)

Denver is publishing a how-to guide for turning other cities into taxpayer-funded immigrant sanctuaries  (link)

The Mexican president is now openly saying that North America needs an “EU-style regime”  (link)

Over 30,000 Chinese illegals crossed the border near San Diego since October  (link)


Haitian gangs tragically murdered a Missouri politician’s missionary daughter and her husband while the couple were on the phone with him  (link) — [This article also explains there were concerns about the potential of safely bringing the bodies back to the U.S.]

A woman who was beaten, raped, and left brain dead in California’s Venice Canals has died; See another woman who was nearly killed by the same man give an interview from her hospital bed  (link)

The “General Hospital” actor Johnny Wactor was shot and killed during a car theft in Los Angeles  (link) — [Also see this article showing his fiancée speak out about the crime in the city.  (I think she should have been more specific and hard-hitting with her statements, however.)]

A Christian man who destroyed a Satanic altar in the Iowa capitol took a plea deal to avoid a hate crime charge  (link)

A former Mayoral candidate in Florida was arrested after robbing a Dollar General store at gunpoint  (link) — [It’s pretty frightening that any crackhead with a TikTok account can get into politics no matter how hopelessly unqualified and unstable they are, especially because I want to make sure that fraud is eliminated from the voting process.  (I don’t know if he is actually a crackhead though, I’m just talking in general.)  I think laws should be established that require political candidates to be lawyers to ensure they are competent enough, and to ensure that they even understand what laws and government are.

This ridiculous article is actually suggesting that there are TOO MANY lawyers in politics!  The concept that lawyers are “inherently bad” is ridiculous, and it always originates from corrupt leftist sources.

Remember that stupid phrase, “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”?  I didn’t realize until just now that it was a Shakespeare quote.  I never understood the hype about Shakespeare, I think it as boring as watching paint dry.]

Up to half of UCLA medical students now fail basic tests of medical competence due to “woke” admissions policies  (link) — [That is disturbing to know.  Meanwhile the only thing Californians seem motivated to do anything about is to ban plastic bags at grocery stores.

(HOWEVER I strongly disagree with such articles ridiculously posting pictures of random black people that unfairly implies that those specific individuals are unqualified, also including this Brietbart article talking about the issue.  How could the people making those articles not be aware of the obvious issues with doing that?)]

“Trump Makes Inroads with Arab Americans, Muslims as They Abandon Biden”  (link) — [The article says that many Muslims think that Trump would have handled the Israel-Hamas conflict better, however he is just as pro-Israel as Biden, if not even more so.  For example, this recent article explains that Trump is vowing to “crush pro-Palestinian protests.”

(But Trump is also responsible for the establishing of Islamic prayer rooms in U.S. public schools due to his agendas of eroding the separation of church and state, so perhaps that is the real reason for his growing support among Muslims.)]

“Woke” leftist Massachusetts snowflakes attending a talk by the great actor Richard Dreyfuss about the “Jaws” movie walked out due to his supposed “sexist, homophobic remarks,” because he criticized transvestite surgery for children among other issues  (link) — [Dreyfus has always been one of the good guys.  In the years past he has also been advocating for the teaching of civics in public schools once again.  New England is a horribly corrupted part of the country, as bad as anywhere in California.]

A Colorado man is facing prison for setting fire to the wrong home and killing its family because he thought they stole his phone  (link)

The Pentagon says Russia launched a space weapon into the path of a U.S. satellite  (link)

A study says daily marijuana use is outpacing daily drinking in the U.S.  (link)

A Seattle man murdered two homeless men with ax while they slept  (link)

“Hollywood Is Rebooting ‘Star Trek’ Film Franchise … Again”  (link) — [I don’t understand why the article is so negative about that.  The most recent Star Trek trilogy with the younger actors playing younger versions of the characters was great, and it was certainly not “failed”!  The actors were all dead ringers for the older ones also, which is a rarity in movies.  In fact I think the recent movies are better than the classic ones.  (And I don't even remember them making Sulu gay as the article mentions, so apparently at least they didn’t push that aspect too much.)  I think the movies they are about to make will be good also as long as they don’t try to make them “woke,” especially because they will be new stories rather than remaking previous ones.]

Joe Biden sounds like a 4-year-old during an exchange with a reporter as the Kenyan president arrived at the White House  (link)

Imagine what would happen if Trump ordered an FBI raid on Obama’s D.C. mansion and authorized the use of “deadly force” as was just done to Trump by the Democrats  (link)

House Republicans are accusing Hunter Biden of repeatedly lying under oath during his deposition  (link)

See video of a car thief crash in front of a horrified news crew while they reported on a local shooting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin  (link)

An American is trapped in Japan because his non-citizen wife can’t enter the U.S. without proof of a COVID-19 vaccination  (link)

A 13th conservative Oregon county has approved a measure to secede and join ‘Greater Idaho’  (link) — [It’s interesting that there are so many conservative parts of Oregon despite being on the West Coast.]

A father ridiculously sent his kids running in front of his wife as she was about to win a race at the finish line  (link)

mRNA Vaccines permanently alter the DNA of the vaccinated and their offspring  (link)

A NYC liquor store owner is facing seven years in prison for accidentally shooting a violent thief who was attacking him (see video)  (link)

A study shows disease causing herbicides are being detected in all pregnant women, with the levels only increasing  (link) — [Soybeans are usually at the top of the list of such toxicity, and soybeans also have other issues if consumed in too large of quantities.  I don’t know of any vegans who regularly eat or drink soybeans since there are so many great alternatives such as almond milk or hemp milk.  I’m surprised that there is still even much of a market for soy milk.  A few times a year or so I might have tofu but that is usually it.  Most tofu is made from non-GMO pesticide-free soybeans anyway.]

The Maryland governor has signed a bill ousting the Hamas-linked CAIR from its state hate crimes monitoring board due to pro-Hamas advocacy  (link) — [They did it because the Maryland director of CAIR called the Hamas terrorists “Freedom Fighters” and compared Israel to Nazi Germany.]

A gang of black women have been looting luxury shops in Pennsylvania and New Jersey malls  (link)

The Colorado Republican Party is calling on parents to pull kids out of public schools over “LGBT” indoctrination  (link) — [That is a ridiculously defeatist strategy, if not even a corrupt one.  They should instead simply do what it takes to fix the problem, which is possible.  (I suppose it could be effective if a large enough proportion of the students were taken out of school in protest, however.)]

Illinois Democrats want to change the term “offender” to “justice-impacted individual”  (link)

The South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is now banned from all South Dakota tribal lands due to her explaining that the Mexican criminal gang MS-13 is operating there  (link) — [I think the whole concept of Indian reservations is no longer a good one, where ownership of the land should be equally distributed to the people in the tribes, and then the areas should simply become part of the U.S.]

See a Texas real estate agent show a “house of horror” that was overtaken by squatters which is no longer habitable  (link)

A police officer in Sturgeon, Missouri shot a small deaf, and blind dog at point-blank range  (link)

The vaccine-advocating film director and star of “Super Size Me” Morgan Spurlock has died of cancer at age 53  (link)

A Black Lives Matter activist lost a lawsuit against the Los Angeles police over a “swatting” hoax response  (link)

Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails  (link)

“Schools that never needed AC are now overheating. Fixes will cost billions”  (link) — [This is more typical ridiculous global warming hype.]

Biden ridiculously claimed during a commencement speech at the United States Military Academy West Point that he turned down an offer to play football at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland  (link)

The new “Mad Max with a girl” movie had the lowest Memorial Day weekend debut in 41 years  (link) — [I wonder what Mel Gibson thinks about no longer being in those movies.  I think he should make another Apocalypto-type movie.]

A lunatic set a straphanger on fire inside a NYC subway before being arrested after fleeing the train, and he had even done it before!  (link)

The ADL is hailing the U.S. State Department for it hosting big tech representatives for a “Symposium to Combat Online Antisemitism”  (link) — “The State Department hosted an event on Thursday bringing every major tech company together along with a representative from Israel to protect one single ethnic group from criticism online.”

See zombies fester in the rot of California’s streets in Newsom’s “national model” for homelessness of California  (link)

All charges have been dropped against New Jersey gym owners who defied the COVID lockdown  (link)

See Pete Buttigieg be called out for falsely claiming that Americans are clamoring to buy electric vehicles  (link)

A top vaccine expert is testifying that vaccines contain cancer-causing ingredients and fragmented DNA  (link)

Biden has canceled more than $7 billion in student debt for 160,000 people who were enrolled in one of his programs  (link)

California voters are apparently only concerned about the kinds of bags that grocery stores are allowed to use  (link)

A Seattle museum shut down after its staff walked out to protest the fact that an art exhibit conflated anti-Zionism with antisemitism  (link) — [I think it is surprising that criticizing Israel is now considered to be socially acceptable even in liberal areas such as that.  However such people are now naively “pro-Islam” instead, due to the political Establishment strategically whitewashing the ideology with the intent to further Islamize the United States.  At least it is very easy to expose the issues with Islam though (link, and link), but it needs to be done before it is too late.]


Watch a Muslim pray in front of a plane cockpit in France, then slug the pilot  (link)

UN-trained troops are being brought into the West under the guise of being migrant refugees  (link)

See a large Islamic prayer session in a park in Malmo, Sweden  (link)

The government of the the Dutch politician Geert Wilders wants to opt out of EU asylum rules  (link) — [I’m skeptical of Wilders, however.  I think he should be primarily focused on getting the Netherlands out of the European Union.]

A Sydney, Australian bakery is promoting Hamas terrorist-themed birthday cakes for children  (link)

The German state succeeded with only less than a third of its planned deportations last year  (link)

An Iraqi teen was arrested in Sweden on suspicion of shooting a Polish national in front of his 12-year-old son  (link)

Hezbollah wants to flood Europe with Syrians who are now in Lebanon  (link)

A Muslim migrant in France who was previously convicted ten times threatened to kill cops, then received only a psychiatric assessment  (link)

Watch a French guy try to convince the Japanese to open their country to migrants as has been happening in France  (link)


A transvestite attacked four girls and two adults in a Massachusetts movie theater stabbing spree  (link)

A Florida priest defended the Eucharist from sacrilege by biting a crazed lesbian who crushed the host and tried to administer the communion to herself  (link)

A transvestite was charged with rape while in custody at a women’s prison in California  (link)

South Carolina has banned gender transition procedures for minors  (link)

American Airlines tried to blame a 9-year-old victim for secretly being recorded by a flight attendant’s iPhone taped to the toilet seat in plane’s lavatory  (link)


Watch security guards at the Cannes Film Festival not allow the actress Massiel Taveras to show the train of her dress that had a picture of Jesus on it  (link)

“Israel faces global outcry over Rafah strike that set tent city ablaze”  (link) — [It seems that by this point Israel has been intentionally attempting to foment antisemitism with its actions, presumably for ulterior motives.  Israel used to get away with its harmful action by at least “appearing on the surface” to be in the right, but now they don’t even seem to be bothering to try to keep up superficial appearances about that.]

Thousands chanted ‘death to America’ at the Iranian president’s funeral  (link)

The Hamas leader Haniyeh attended the Iranian President Raisi’s funeral  (link)

Ireland, Norway, Spain to are set to recognize a “Palestinian State”  (link) — [I don’t have any problem with that, although Israel and the U.S. are very upset about it.  What is Israel planning instead?— To export the Palestinians into the U.S. and build high rises for themselves in Gaza?

Personally I think that entire area should be one country that is not associated with any one particular religion, although I don’t think there is any chance of that happening due to the extreme hostility that has been engineered over the decades.

I think it is ridiculous that Zionists expect to have borders and a “homeland” while many support and even actively take part in destroying the borders in the U.S. and Europe, for example with organizations such as “The Hebrew Immigration Aid Society.”]

Muslims in Pakistan murdered a Christian, vandalized churches and set homes on fire due to allegations of a Qur’an desecration  (link)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son shared a video of a IDF soldier threatening the Israeli Defense Minister with a military coup if the war in Gaza isn’t expanded  (link) — [A lot of Zionists are hawkish in such a crazy manner.]

Dozens have been killed and wounded in Rafah, as Hamas fired missiles at Tel Aviv for the first time in months  (link)

May 28, 2024
Enter keywords to search articles on News of Interest.TV using the DuckDuckGo search engine.
This article details issues of problems that are caused by the open borders of the United States during the Biden Administration, and it explains how both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris would deal with the issue during their administrations.
September 1, 2024
This article explains that a historic church in Buffalo, New York was given to a Muslim organization for only $250,000 to be turned into an Islamic “victory mosque.”
September 1, 2024
This article explains that Kamala Harris may win the election simply due to her communicating in a less divisive manner than Trump, despite the fact that her policies are outrageously extreme and dangerous.
updated July 31, 2024
There are essentially three main schools of thought about who “runs the world,” however only one of them is factually accurate.
July 10, 2024
A “conservative revolution” has recently been happening in some parts of Europe with the election of right wing candidates, and the Establishment media has been attempting to create a perception that it is going to cause a “fascist catastrophe,” such as this article does.  However many European politicians that the media are calling “far right extremists” are in fact usually not extreme at all.
July 3, 2024
A new book has been published which is ridiculously claiming that JFK jr. killed himself, his wife, and his wife’s sister by intentionally crashing his plane into the ocean 25 years ago near Jackie Kennedy’s house where he grew up; however much evidence shows that they were actually assassinated by a flight instructor who was also on the plane.
updated July 3, 2024
This article explains that the political Establishment wants people to be confused about the real meanings of the terms “left wing” and “right wing” in order to trick them into enslaving themselves with an oppressive leftist government.
updated June 22, 2024
A 2015 PBS video segment saying that Marseilles, France is now 30-40% Muslim in indicative of the huge problems that Europe is having with out of control immigration.  This article also contains information explaining how Europe is projected to be completely overtaken with Islam within a few decades due to intentionally harmful agendas of the global elite.
updated June 23, 2024
An analysis of a survey published by the journal JAMA Pediatrics is claiming that one in four U.S. adolescents in grades 9 through 12 self-identify as non-heterosexual.  JAMA is a weekly peer-reviewed medical journal that is published by the American Medical Association.
June 20, 2024
This article contains a video and written description of the Israeli “Nuseirat rescue operation” that rescued four hostages while killing over 270 civilians in a densely populated part of Gaza, including many women and children.  It explains that the operation was carried out disguised in humanitarian aid vehicles with the soldiers being dressed in civilian clothes, where rockets were also fired from the air into a crowded marketplace and over 80 civilian buildings, which has been the worst single massacre by Israel so far during the eight month conflict.
June 13, 2024
This video explains recent atrocities that have been occurring in Palestine, where Israel has been indiscriminately targeting thousands of civilians including women and children, using a rationalization of them being “human shields.”
June 13, 2024
This article is a summary of arguments both claiming that Israel is an “apartheid state” and claiming that it is not.  It is mostly a summary of a 2023 Vox article that explains the matter, and I have added additional information and commentary.
June 5, 2024
The terms “red states” and “blue states” had been manipulated by the media to ensure that Democrats are not referred to as “red” in order for people to not associate them with Communism.
May 27, 2024
The media outlet “The Last American Vagabond” has semi-daily reports that are often focused on the Israel-Palestine conflict, where such reports are usually critical of Israel’s actions while also making a good effort to be as fair and unbiased as possible.  This article contains a recent episode which is a good example of the show.
May 25, 2024
Alex Jones explains that the U.S. Congress has passed a law that decrees if people make essentially any sort of criticism of Israel it could result in them being charged with civil rights violations, where simply people’s motivations are criminalized rather than their actions.  The bill makes use of a definition of antisemitism that is based on the whims of an Establishment-associated United Nations NGO group.  The global elite is funding the social unrest that is happening due to the Israel-Palestine war in order to create an excuse to target the American people, where their goal is the further erode the free speech rights of Americans, especially of conservatives.
May 18, 2024
This video explains that while many people in the West are protesting Israel’s actions in Palestine, few people bothered to protest other even more deadly recent conflicts that didn’t involve Jews as the aggressor.
May 15, 2024
A thousand Muslims in Hamburg, Germany rallied in the streets advocating for a Caliphate, while surveys are showing that over half of young Muslims in the country are also in favor of the same thing.  A Caliphate is an Islamic government where religion and the State are the same thing, where oppressive and violent Islamic laws (link) are also the laws of the government.
May 5, 2024
Extreme Pro-Palestinian protests that are occurring on U.S. campuses that often glorify the October 7th attacks on Israel are being funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the U.S. State Department; and leftist politicians are now advocating to resettle often hostile Palestinians in the United States.
May 3, 2024
This Infowars video explains that crime has skyrocketed in the U.S. despite the Biden administration deceptively attempting to create an impression that it has gone down, through it ceasing to factor in crime reports from the most populated areas such as New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Baltimore, and Washington D.C.
April 20, 2024
FISA bill
A “FISA” act will soon be voted on in the Senate that contains draconian new provisions requiring the cooperation of commercial landlords and others to engage in warrantless spying on supposedly only non-Americans, however loopholes in the law will allow such spying to be used on U.S. citizens as well.
April 18, 2024
Albert Pike
This article is a summary of an article by Henry Makow entitled “Israel and Iran Are Both Run By Freemasons Plotting WW3” which explains that the global elite are following a long-term plan of fomenting a World War in order to create a “social cataclysm” that is intended to usher in the elite’s totalitarian New World Order.
updated April 18, 2024
While the Democrats have been doing whatever they can to try to deprive law-abiding citizens of the ability to defend themselves from non-law abiding people, an Illinois Obama-appointed federal judge Sharon Johnson Coleman has ruled that illegal aliens are able to buy, own and carry guns despite the fact that they are not citizens, and despite the fact that it is currently a federal crime for illegals to own guns.  The ruling was in response to a defendant Hariberto Carbajal-Flores who was arrested in possession of a handgun in Chicago.
March 25, 2024
Camouflaged gunmen opened fire at the packed Crocus City Hall in Moscow’s northern suburb of Krasnogorsk on Friday evening ahead of a concert by a Soviet-era rock band Piknik, which left at least 133 dead and many more wounded, where attackers killed people with automatic weapons and threw an incendiary bomb which which started a fire which killed others.
updated June 23, 2024
I recently thought of another system for gathering rainwater over fields, which employs an umbrella-type mechanism that retracts into a large pipe.  The material of the umbrella could be made from hemp canvas, the pipe could be made from ceramic or plastic, and the poles could be made from individual trees similar to how telephone poles are made.
March 17, 2024
Throughout the duration of the Biden administration the Democrats were claiming that there wasn’t a crisis on the U.S. border. However now they are saying that there is a crisis but it’s Donald Trump’s fault because he urged Republicans not to sign a recent supposedly “bipartisan” bill, which the Democrats are dishonestly touting as something that would have fixed the border situation.
February 10, 2024
This article contains summaries of various recent news articles that explain how Joe Biden is now actually admitting that his illegal immigration situation is broken and dangerous, however he is attempting to use the danger as leverage to try to create a deceptive “deal” that would actually only solidify the constant illegal immigration which is occurring.
January 30, 2024
Fifty Seattle Black Lives Matter rioters from 2020 have received $10 million compensation from the city of Seattle for their claims of “excessive force” by police trying to stop their rioting, amounting to each of the rioters receiving $200,000.
updated May 5, 2024
This article contains videos explaining the situation of thousands of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. every day, where they are being given debit cards from U.N. organizations to fund their trips.  Also explained is that large amounts of potential Islamic terrorists have been coming over the border, as well as large amounts of children being trafficked.
December 20, 2023
Len Horowitz - A History of US Biological Warfare Research
This video clip from the Len Horowitz film “In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bioterrorism” shows the claims of a government sponsored propaganda documentary giving misleading and dishonest information about the United States Government’s involvement in bioterrorism research, and it then explains the genuine history of such programs and shows how they have led to the creation of diseases such as AIDS.
running time 30 minutes
Alex Jones Speaks With Len Horowitz About Issues of the 2009 Swine Flu Outbreak
Alex Jones speaks with Len Horowitz, the author of “Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola— Nature, Accident or Intentional?”, discussing issues during the international outbreak of Swine Flu in 2009.  Horowitz is an authority in the fields of public health, behavioral science, emerging diseases, and natural healing.  Discussed is evidence that the flu outbreak was intentionally created for the purpose of profiting drug companies, empowering globalist agendas, forwarding depopulation agendas, and being used as a “smokescreen” to distract the populace from other issues.
recorded April 29, 2009
running time 45 minutes
Alex Jones Speaks With the Pharmaceutical Industry Activist Rebecca Carley, March 12, 2009
Alex Jones talks with former surgeon and pharmaceutical company abuse activist Rebecca Carley, speaking about many issues associated with the dangers inherent in the use of vaccines.  Topics discussed include the many reasons to believe that the 2009 release of Bird Flu was intentional, legislation currently on the books which allows the U.S. Department of Defense to use unknowing human subjects for testing of biological weapons, ostracisations of doctors who speak out against the pharmaceutical industry, the Obama Administration’s allocation of a half a billion dollars for “genomic programs” which tamper with the human DNA structure, and other issues.
recorded March 12, 2009
running time 50 minutes
”Accidental” Contamination Of Vaccine With Live Avian Flu Virus Virtually Impossible
This article explains the discovery of vaccines being contaminated with the deadly Avian Flu virus being distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter, and it details how the circumstances of the contaminations show that it did not happen by accident.
March 5, 2009
An Examination of the Mechanism of Nitriloside Theories In Eliminating Cancer
This article examines aspects of scientific claims making up the theory that Nitrilosides are able to prevent cancerous tumors from forming and are also able to kill cancer cells that already exist.  It presents a summary of the theory of how Nitrilosides eliminate cancer as well as presenting scientific studies which support and also counter the theory.
updated April 2, 2011
A Summary of Long Term Globalist Establishment Agendas of the Global Elite
This article examines long-term “Globalist Establishment” political agendas that have been advancing seamlessly over many decades of presidential administrations.
updated August 31, 2022
Videos Clips From the Documentary “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement”
This article contains video clips from the Alex Jones documentary film “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” that explains the long-term agendas of Establishment groups who secretively control the governments of the world.  It explains how the global political elite is in the process of consolidating the countries of the world into a one world government that is run by unelected private bankers, and it explains their agendas of eugenics and world depopulation through the use of genocidal methods.
updated October 2, 2022
A Summary of Immigration Issues in the United States
Tens of millions of people are living in the United States who are not in the country legally, and they continue to arrive in increasing numbers as the country accomodates them.
updated August 31, 2022
A Summary of the Book “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline”
The book The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, written by James Perloff in 1988, chronicles American history during most of the 20th century, examining major national and international events occurring during each of the Presidential administrations by focusing on the activities of the Establishment elite running the secretive and powerful political organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
updated February 17, 2020
A Summary of the Book “None Dare Call it Conspiracy”
”None Dare Call it Conspiracy” by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham is a book of great importance, having upset the ruling Western political Establishment by exposing much of their secretive underlying history and agendas that control the political processes of the United States and much of the rest of the world.  The book was light-years ahead of its time when it was published in 1971.  The information in the book is surprising and it can even seem far-fetched to the uninitiated, however the information is accurate and well documented. 

updated September 13, 2022
A Summary of Islam Related Issues
This article is a directory of various Islam related articles that are contained on News of Interest.TV and other websites.  It is continually updated.
updated September 10, 2022
Many Islamic countries outlaw apostasy (abandoning Islam) with the penalty of death
25 Islamic countries have anti-apostasy laws that criminalize leaving the religion of Islam, and many more also have anti-blasphemy laws that criminalize speech or actions that are insulting to the religion.
updated September 13, 2022
A Summary of the Article “Masonic Muslim Brotherhood is the West’s Terror Arm”
This article is a collection of information which explains that the Masonic organization “The Muslim Brotherhood” plays a large part in exploiting Muslims to turn them into unwitting tools of the global elite for causing chaos intended to help bring about the New World Order.
October 27, 2018
A Reexamination of Climate Change Issues
This multi-part summary article examines all aspects of the global warming debate, including scientific claims about the effects of the warming, potential causes of the warming, motives behind global warming legislation, and issues with the media and many Establishment environmental groups.
updated October 14, 2022
<em>Section Directory:</em>  An Examination of the Effects of a Warming Climate
This section directory contains articles that examine each of the major claims about potential detrimental effects related to global warming, including melting ice and sea level issues, storm intensity issues, potential of the spread of disease and human deaths, and plant and animal species extinction.

The findings may surprise you, as most commonly assumed effects of global warming are shown to usually be extremely exaggerated and in many cases completely false.
updated October 13, 2022
<em>Section Directory:</em>  The Politics of Global Warming
This section directory contains articles examining treaties and legislation associated with climate change such as the Kyoto Protocol, “Cap and Trade” legislation, and the 2009 “Framework Convention on Climate Change.”  It is shown that the implementation of such measures are meant to further long-range objectives of global elite individuals and organizations such as the United Nations, while actually having little or nothing to do with helping the environment.
updated October 14, 2022
<em>Section Directory:</em>  Issues with the Science of Global Warming
This section directory contains articles and video clips that help to describe issues of bias that are common in the scientific community that are used to exaggerate the causes and effects of global warming.
updated October 13, 2022
A Summary of the Documentary Video “Global Warming or Global Governence?”
This article summarizes the documentary video “Global Warming or Global Governance?” by Michael Coffman of Sovereignty International, presenting video segments from the video with descriptions and transcripts where appropriate.

The documentary examines the science and motives behind claims of the effects of global warming being extreme and created mostly by man’s activities, and it shows how such claims are frequently exaggerated for deceptive and dangerous globalist agendas.
updated October 13, 2022
“Sterling engine” solar collectors are a most ideal method for harnessing solar energy
“Sterling engine” type solar power generators are the most efficient and inexpensive method for harnessing solar energy, and they have many benefits over centralized large scale solar installations that often cause serious harm to birds.  A powerful personal solar power Sterling engine can easily supply all of the energy that is needed by a home.  This article explains the mechanism of such devices and explains ideal potential implementations of them.
updated September 18, 2022
Solar Power Generating Sterling Engine Demonstration
This video demonstrates a type of solar energy collector called a “Sterling Engine,” which is the most efficient way to generate electricity from the sun.  It works by a reflective parabolic dish concentrating sunlight onto a hydrogen filled engine which contains a piston that is powered by the heat of the concentrated sunlight.
running time 4 minutes
California’s largest solar plant is wasteful and has incinerated as many as 28,000 birds per year over the past eight years
The wasteful and heavily government subsidized Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating Plant which opened in California’s Mojave desert in 2014 has brutally incinerated as many as 28,000 birds per year at the rate of ten per hour, but engineers are claiming that their efforts have supposedly reduced the amount of birds killed to two per hour.  Nonetheless, even if the claim of the kills being reduced is true, it is still too many and the ineffective plant should be shut down.
updated September 16, 2022
A Summary of Flywheel Battery Technologies
Flywheel Batteries are a new and efficient means of storing energy using a mechanical method rather than a chemical one.  They consist of a heavy metal disc floating and spinning on a cushion of magnetism in a vacuum housing as a means of storing and distributing energy.
updated December 20, 2007
A Summary of the Documentary Video “Overview of America”
This video describes aspects of the major types of government and economic systems that exist in the world, and it explains why the system of a capitalistic constitutional republic as outlined in the United States Constitution is preferable to other types of systems.
updated September 17, 2022
A Summary of the Booklet “Restoring the Rights of the States and the People”
The 38 page booklet “Restoring the Rights of the States and the People” explains how the political system of the United States has migrated away from following the structure that has been specified in the U.S. Constitution, and it explains how elements of the current political system could be moved toward being restored to their original Constitutional principals.
updated September 23, 2022 advocates for eliminating the use of electronic voting machines
A website has been launched for, an organization that advocates for eliminating the use of electronic voting machines along with federalizing the standard of how votes are cast and counted to ensure the use of one foolproof voting method in all states.
updated September 15, 2022
Hacking Democracy - Hacking Votes Using Only a Memory Card
With Diebold voting machines, every vote is stored on a memory card along with additional computer code.  This video clip from the HBO special “Hacking Democracy” shows how an election can be altered through a person only having access to a memory card.  The video shows how the hack works even with Diebold machines that only tabulate paper ballots, and how it is impossible to detect the fraud once it has happened.
running time 8 minutes
A Summary of Widespread Aerosol Chemtrail Spraying
This article contains information about the subject of atmospheric chemtrail spraying by making use of video documentaries, timelapse video clips, news reports, audio interviews, and photographs.
updated October 13, 2022
Aerosol Crimes (aka Chemtrials)
This documentary film created by Clifford Carnicom details evidence of chemtrail spraying operations, explains grass-roots attempts of discovering what is being sprayed, and it explains numerous reasons the government may have for engaging in such operations.  This is an abbreviated version of the film.
running time 40 Minutes
Timelapse Video of Chemtrail Spraying over Pennsylvania, July 23, 2007
View a variety of timelapse footage of heavy chemtrail spraying over York, Pennsylvania on July 23, 2007.  This clip shows examples of characteristics common with chemtrails, including abruptly broken chemtrail segments, trailing liquid vapors, and resulting chemtrail haze with shadows of new chemtrails on that haze.
running time 4 Minutes
Creating Political Change Through Communication and Legislation
This article examines each of the steps in a problem solving process for peacefully creating political change in the United States through the use of communication and legislation— by using a process of defining a political problem, then defining a goal state with the problem eliminated, and then finding the most efficient processes of communication for reaching the goal state through the use of the legislative process.
updated September 23, 2022
Deriving the Most Effective Activist Communication for Creating Political Change
This article is a study of potential types of politically motivated communication styles and the practical voting results arising due to such communication, by means of graphing theoretical voting results.

Communication style can be “communicative” to win the support of those being communicated with, or “solidifying” which entrenches people’s opinions on both sides of an issue.  This article describes aspects of the two styles and conducts a theoretical study of the practical voting results of the styles being used against each other.  It is shown by graphing theoretical voting results that effective “communicative” style will always trump the effects of “solidifying” style.
updated February 18, 2020
Media Bias Effecting Awareness of Important Issues
This summary article explains why most media outlets don’t accurately report information about important political realities.  Topics include explaining who the people are that most control the media, as well as their reasons, means, and methods of controlling it.
updated March 1, 2020
A Summary of the Documentary Video ”Behind the Big News”
The Documentary “Behind the Big News” examines issues of corruption in the mainstream media of the United States, explaining how the powerful and secretive Establishment group The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has had a tremendous influence in biasing news that all mainstream media outlets disseminate.  Conflicts of interest exist due to the fact the most major figures in the media are members of the CFR, which is also the most influential organization in formulating the foreign policy of the United States.  The CFR has agendas of perpetuating globalist agendas which are often deceptive and little understood by the general public, and it often makes use of its control over the media in order to generate uncritical support for such agendas.
updated February 28, 2020
Behind the Big News: Infiltration of the Anti-WTO Movement
This video clip from the documentary “Behind the Big News” explains Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) connections to the anti-WTO movement which are meant to ensure continued propagation of globalist agendas.
running time 6 minutes, 30 seconds
Seattle WTO Riots: Problem, Reaction, Solution
This video compilation from the Alex Jones documentary Police State II: The Takeover shows how demonstrations at the 1999 World Trade Organization (WTO) meetings in Seattle during the Clinton Adminstration were infiltrated by violent provocateurs sent by government groups in order to give law enforcement personnel an excuse to attack and suppress the peaceful legitimate protesters.

Video of the violence perpetrated by the group of over 30 government sponsored provocateurs is shown, followed by evidence including local news reports that shows how the group was housed and protected by law enforcement officials during the week of the demonstrations.
running time 10 minutes
Deception at the Million Mom March
This video clip from the documentary “Behind the Big News” explains how a publicity stunt created by gun disarmament advocates for an event called the “Million Mom March” used deceptive techniques for creating an illusion in the media of having more popular support than it actually had.
running time 3 minutes
<i>HEMP! HEMP! HOORAY!</i> — Growing Hemp is now legal in the United States

This article explains many benefits of the cultivation and use of the hemp plant.
updated September 27, 2022
Concepts for Harvesting Rainwater Over Active Agricultural Fields
This article explains issues with water shortages in the United States, and it details theoretical concepts of facilitating the collection of rainwater that falls on active agricultural fields through the deployment of retractable rainwater collection surfaces during times of rain.
updated September 27, 2022
Issues With River Systems in the United States
This article details issues with the river systems in the United States, and it details a theoretical concept of harvesting river water for irrigating cropland.
updated September 29, 2022
Alex Jones Speaks With Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag, July 2, 2009
Stars of the MTV Television show “The Hills” Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag speak with Alex Jones, explaining how they have recently woken up to many of the realities of the New World Order which Alex speaks about on his show and in his documentary films.
recorded July 2, 2009
running time 25 minutes
Tony Robbins Quotes
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”  View quotes by the self-improvement guru Tony Robbins.
You Are Beautiful!
View images of works from the Chicago Based Graffiti Group You Are Beautiful, taken from their website.
updated June 8, 2007

Copyright (C) 2024 News of Interest.TV, A/V material and quoted information are copyright of their sources.