News of Interest.TV

Florida passed a bill to allow armed teachers to protect students during shootings, but many leftists are opposed

by Edward Ulrich, May 2, 2019

The Florida Legislative Black Caucus claimed that teachers who are armed to protect against school shootings might instead shoot black kids.
The Florida Legislative Black Caucus claimed that teachers who are armed to protect against school shootings might instead shoot black kids.

The Florida House passed a bill that would allow classroom teachers to volunteer to be armed and trained in order to potentially deal with any school shooting situations in school districts that opt-in to the program, but many leftist groups have expressed opposition to the program based on questionable reasoning.

Politicians from the “Florida Legislative Black Caucus” were strongly opposed to the program of arming and training volunteer teachers, saying in this statement that the program will put black kids in danger because a “national societal bias” against black people would put black kids at risk of being shot by the teachers who volunteer for the program.

The political Establishment makes use of school shootings to create a justification for implementing their agendas of outlawing gun ownership, so they are opposed to teachers being armed and trained to immediately deal with potential shooting situations because it would show that outlawing guns is not the most effective solution to that problem.

Also, black politicians such as the ones in the Florida Legislative Black Caucus are usually in the Masonic “Boule” secret society, which requires them to do whatever the political Establishment tells them to do.

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