News of Interest.TV

“How Victorians Knowingly Poisoned Their Food”
Running Time: 17 minutes

This documentary explains that during the 1800’s, new techniques of the industrialization of the manufacturing of food products such as bread and milk led to unscrupulous companies adulterating their food with cheap and dangerous ingredients such as alum to whiten bread (that is used in detergent today), lead chromate as yellow food coloring, and sodium borate to mask the taste of bacteria-laden rancid milk.  It explains that it is estimated that half a million children in the UK died of Tuberculosis due to drinking contaminated milk.  A physician named Sir Arthur Hill Hassal first publicly rose an alarm about that situation in 1868, resulting in a first wave of food adulteration laws, however the laws were initially very weak and ineffective.  The problem was not rectified until much later when consumers finally demanded food that was advertised as not being adulterated.

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