News of Interest.TV
audio interviews

Alex Jones Speaks With Webster Tarpley, February 23, 2009


recorded February 23, 2009, running time 1 hour 5 minutes

Following is a written description of an audio interview by Alex Jones of the author and historian Webster Tarpley concerning issues associated with the Obama Administration, covering topics such as his administrations's abuse of the Fairness Doctrine, the increase of government dictatorial power, the formation of government funded "Community Control" groups and domestic armies, as well as specific details of the banker takeover..

Voices of dissent being silenced

First discussed is the issue of voices of criticism about the Obama Administration being silenced using the "Fairness Doctrine," and why it is important for government to not have a role or opinion in deciding content which is broadcast as long as the messages are not criminally negligent.

Transfer to dictatorial power and confiscation of guns

Discussed is the issue of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel wanting to ban gun ownership for anyone who is on the "no fly list"—containing over a million individuals, as well as how the no fly list may eventually be expanded to tens of millions. Also mentioned is the proposal of Attorney General Eric Holder having the power to remove the right for anyone to own a gun at his choosing.

"Community control" groups

Explained is the creation of government funded "community local control" configurations of groups which are often used against political opposition, similar to the community control experiments used by the Ford Foundation in the late 1960's. Also discussed is Obama's announcement of $4.5 billion dollars being allocated for organizations such as Acorn and

The banker takeover, "derivatives bubble," and the "Fiscal Responsibility Summit"

The Fiscal Responsibility Summit, or "Austerity Summit" is described, where 130 high ranking members of the financial community are meeting to plan methods of essentially "loot" social security and medicare in the coming years to allocate extra resources for bailing out Wall Street financial institutions.

Although taxes will not be raised for the working class, social programs which have previously been allocated to them are now being eliminated, such as many important health care programs for the elderly. Later explained is how 401k plans and IRA plans are evaporating or already gone, as are many private health insurance organizations such as AIG.

Tarpley stresses the significance of the $1.5 Quadrillion "Derivatives Bubble" which has been inflated over time intentionally though strategic economic legislation, and how problems with derivatives should ideally be dealt with through their elimination— however the policy makers associated with Obama are dealing with them ineffectively in order to inflate the economic problems as a part of a wider objective of crashing the economy in order to force a transition to a new governmental structure.

Tarpley explains how current activities of the Federal Reserve and the $700 Billion bailout have existed completely for the convenience of the banks, insurance companies and credit card companies— all being only "paper" and often being incentives to predatory lenders.

Later explained is how means of industrial production have been incrementally destroyed, and how policies have been designed to reduce production, reduce wages, and prop up Globalist objectives.

Broken Promises

Discussed are many promises Obama did not follow through on, such as the Iraq withdrawal timetable, troops being increased in Afghanistan, dishonesty about lobbyist affiliations, and the continuation of Bush policies associated with violations of the Geneva Convention, Bill of Rights, and rights of Detainees.

The Police State Grid

TV ads and billboards are advertising for joining, a private organization of the Democratic party which is presented as being Federally endorsed by the use of the federal seal and the federal eagle. Also discussed is a new domestic political army which is separate from the new million person "civilian army" being formed under the Pentagon with the new Pentagon directive. Tarpley compares objectives of the Obama Administration to the "Mussolini Model," by drawing parallels between Obama's programs and those of fascist Italy in the early 20th century.

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