News of Interest.TV
audio interviews

Alex Jones Explains Realities of the Obamacare Legislation


recorded March 21, 2010, running time 48 minutes 45 seconds

Alex Jones discusses realities of Obamacare legislation which was passed on March 21, 2010, explaining that most aspects of the legislation will not be as helpful as promised, but rather amount to being tremendous new taxes which will further damage the economy and enrich the insurance industry, while also opening the door to greatly increased government intervention and intrusion. He also explains that the plan will supply substandard services to those who will eventually be receiving free healthcare, among many other issues.

Following are major points made in the broadcast:

Employers with more than 50 employees will be required to purchase healthcare for their employees or pay a steep fine, and citizens who are working that are not covered by their employers will be forced to purchase healthcare or have their wages garnished to pay an annual fine of almost $700.00

The legislation will hit many low income working people the hardest through thier usable income potentially being reduced by as much as half.

When employers are forced to buy healthcare for their employees, the employers will make up the difference by reducing the amount of pay that they give their employees— for example if they are currently paying their employees $20/hour, they may need to reduce the amount of pay to $11/hour, and also employers will make up the difference by hiring less people.

[Editor’s note— A section of the official White House website which supposedly is meant to be an overall summary of the upcoming health care changes entitled “Putting Americans in Control of Their Health Care” makes no mention (as of March 27, 2010) of employers and citizens being essentially forced to purchase health care and even claims that employers will not be required to purchase it for their employees, despite this being one of the most controversial aspects of the plan.]

The poor will generally receive substandard care, while insurance premiums will rise significantly for others except for certain groups that are recipients of political favors

32 Million people are currently not insured, and they will be given “free” health care, but the quality of the health care will be a watered down version of Medicare and Medicaid, and it is being reported that many health care providers will not cater to those plans because of their not being properly reimbursed, and also companies such as Wallgreens are announcing that they will not be accepting such plans due to continued reduction in reimbursement.

People receiving the most expensive “Cadilac Insurance” plans will be required to pay a giant tax of as much as 50% of the cost of the plan, however seven of the biggest Unions are exempt from that tax, as the Obama Administration is using reductions in the cost of health benefits as political favors through his giving of exemptions and selective enforcement.

Insurance companies are major benefactors of the legislation despite their attempting to create the appearance that they are not

Much of the legislation is actually written by representatives of the insurance companies, and stock of the insurance companies has risen once it became apparent that the legislation would pass.

The legislation will reduce the liability of the insurance companies and thus reduce the quality of the care.

Many in the insurance industry have been attempting a “Brer Rabbit” scheme by begging “please don’t throw me in the briar patch” of the legislation despite actually completely benefitting from the legislation.

Many Republicans are secretly in favor of the bill despite voting against it

Many Republicans, especially many in the leadership of the party, secretly wanted the bill to pass and took certain steps to help with it’s passage despite voting against it, in order to appease the global corporate interests who helped them to be elected.

The Republican party tripled the size of government during the eight years of George W. Bush, and Obama spent more than that and every president before him in only his first year. The Republican party is financed by the same corporate interests as the Democratic party, and the Republican leadership is just as bought and paid for as the Democrats, and many have been put in power by the corporate interests which are being empowered by the legislation.

Republicans claim that they will try to repeal the legislation, but in fact many most likely will not do so unless they are put under much public pressure.

The legislation is unconstitutional

Congress knows that the Federal Government is technically not allowed to force people to buy private services, but nonetheless States have passed laws in the past requiring that citizens have car insurance, which sets the precedent for the new round of health care legislation which will open the door to much corruption and government meddling in the lives of the citizens.

38 States will challenge the legislation in federal court citing it’s unconstitutional aspects.

A “nanny state tyranny” is in the process of being empowered

Tyranny has been manifesting itself in America on many fronts, and this legislation is a very major new aspect.

The powers of the IRS will be greatly expanded through Obamacare, with at least 16,500 new IRS workers being hired. The IRS will now be watching what people do every two weeks during every pay period, with the system becoming a sort of social worker “nanny state” making use of new medical cards attached to employment. The bill will allow the IRS to confiscate refunds for not paying for healthcare, and will even be given the authority to actually seize the bank accounts of workers in order to garnish their wages.

The legislation is a major aspect of a total takeover of the American society, which also includes cybersecurity bills to potentially censor information and potentially shut down the internet, proposed drastic climate change legislation, the taking over of the auto industry, federalizing of police forces, and the imposition of Northcom and the Patriot Act. The entire society is being seized by the federal government which is itself being controlled by privately owned offshore banks.

The elderly will bear a brunt of the cuts via “comparative medicine”

The “Comparative Medicine” issue is often referred to as the “death panels,” where the government will decide what treatments people can have, and what tests people can have.

Tom Dachle is the primary author of the health care bill, and he also wrote a book explaining that an important goal is to slow the development of new technologies and medications because they are driving up costs, and in the book he also chastises Americans for expecting too much from the healthcare system, saying seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them, such as eye conditions like cataracts— meaning that the elderly should bear the brunt of many of the health care cuts.

The bill will also use taxpayer money to fund abortions despite many Americans being against the practice, and Obama’s claims that an executive order will be signed sometime in the future to limit federal funding of the practice will most likely not be followed through on.

Medicare and Medicade will increasingly not be accepted as payment for medicine and healthcare

Many outlets such as Walgreens are announcing that they will not accept Medicare and Medicade plans due to not being reimbused sufficently from those programs.

The bill will technically “save” money because every year it will cut $43 billion out of Medicare and Medicaid, lowering the amount of money that can be spent.

Much of the Medicare and Medicaid funds which people have been paying into for their entire lives has gone to bail out banks as a part of the global takeover.

The government monopoly will drive up the prices of health care, insurance premiums will rise significantly, and doctors will get increasingly smaller reimbursements

Premiums will rise under Obama, translating to being at least a $1 Trillion tax increase over the coming few years.

Health care prices will rise significantly due to the fact of the system now being a government monopoly.

Doctors will receive increasingly smaller reimbursements for their services while their education and liability costs rise.

The United States is in the process of being intentionally bankrupted for the global elite to centralize their power and control over the world's population as a part of a long term globalist plan

The supposed benefits of the legislation will not fully kick in until 2015 despite the new taxation starting immediately.

The health care plan translates to being a tax increase of as much as a trillion dollars over the next five years which will greatly empower the privately owned offshore banks which are the primary owners of the insurance companies, and there is a chance that that there will not even be the payback of health care that they are promising after the five years due to their potentially changing it before then.

The United States is currently essentially bankrupt while at the same time it’s industry is in the process of shutting down and being exported to other countries. What is being implemented translates to slow incremental exploitation over the next years through twisted promises, where the country is being intentionally bankrupted in order to centralize control and power of the few global elite over the people of the world.

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