A Summary of Immigration Issues in the United States
by Edward Ulrich, updated August 31, 2022

Image from Flickr.
“There are no accidents in politics” — Joseph P. Kennedy
Tens of millions of people are living in the United States who are not in the country legally, and they continue to arrive in increasing numbers as the country accomodates them.
The United Sates has always been a nation of immigrants, however the current situation is out of control and it has been designed to be that way by political elites who intend to ultimately destroy the United States and merge it with the other North American countries as a part of their implementation of a totalitarian New World Order.
It is important that people become aware of the secretive agendas of the global elite in order to understand what is happening to their countries. The United States will never be able to recover unless its immigration situation is reformed soon.
Article Notes
May 30, 2021 - Added information about the immigration policies of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Jump to parts of this article ..
Introductory Information
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are implementing dangerous immigration policies
Other Articles Detailing the Immigration Agendas of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
The most accurate estimates show the current population of illegal immigrants in the United States to be 30 million or more, not 11 million as the Establishment media often claims
Common Misconceptions About Illegal Immigrants Coming Into the U.S. During the Trump Administration
Police in many areas of the country pledge not to report when they apprehend illegal immigrants for other crimes
The Reality of the Child Separation Issue
Non-Latin Americans are increasingly coming over the southern border of the United States
Many women are raped on their journey north to the United States
The Financial Cost of Illegal Immigration
Corruption of the global elite is the source of the immigration crisis
Potential Solutions to the Immigration Crisis
A Timeline of Trump’s Immigration Related Activity
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are implementing dangerous immigration policies
Other Articles Detailing the Immigration Agendas of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
The most accurate estimates show the current population of illegal immigrants in the United States to be 30 million or more, not 11 million as the Establishment media often claims
Common Misconceptions About Illegal Immigrants Coming Into the U.S. During the Trump Administration
Police in many areas of the country pledge not to report when they apprehend illegal immigrants for other crimes
The Reality of the Child Separation Issue
Non-Latin Americans are increasingly coming over the southern border of the United States
Many women are raped on their journey north to the United States
The Financial Cost of Illegal Immigration
Corruption of the global elite is the source of the immigration crisis
Potential Solutions to the Immigration Crisis
A Timeline of Trump’s Immigration Related Activity
Introductory Information
Endgame Segment - Battle for the Republic
This video clip from the Alex Jones documentary “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” explains the historical corruption of the Mexican government and the modern agendas of the political elite for enticing Latin Americans to migrate into the United States as a part of a strategy of merging the North American continent in a totalitarian system ruled by the global elite.
[Editor’s note: Updated February 24, 2020— Almost all Latin American immigrants are peaceful and they appreciate the opportunity to live in the United States. However, the nature of how they have been coming is out of control and dangerous. I believe that immigrants who are already living in the country should be allowed to stay and continue to receive benefits unless they commit crimes, but it is important that all new illegal immigration is stopped through the implementation of effective barriers, enforcement, and the removal of enticements which encourage new migrants to illegally settle in the country.]
Endgame Segment - How the Bilderberg Group is Secretly Merging the North American Continent
This video clip from the Alex Jones film “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” explains how the secretive Bilderberg Group has been using stealth for strategically paving the way for the North American countries to be consolidated by merging the populations, monetary systems, militaries, and highways of the United States, Canada and Mexico.
View the video page containing a full written description for this video. Also view a full bibliography of the information presented in the Endgame documentary.
This video clip from the Alex Jones documentary “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” explains the historical corruption of the Mexican government and the modern agendas of the political elite for enticing Latin Americans to migrate into the United States as a part of a strategy of merging the North American continent in a totalitarian system ruled by the global elite.
[Editor’s note: Updated February 24, 2020— Almost all Latin American immigrants are peaceful and they appreciate the opportunity to live in the United States. However, the nature of how they have been coming is out of control and dangerous. I believe that immigrants who are already living in the country should be allowed to stay and continue to receive benefits unless they commit crimes, but it is important that all new illegal immigration is stopped through the implementation of effective barriers, enforcement, and the removal of enticements which encourage new migrants to illegally settle in the country.]
Endgame Segment - How the Bilderberg Group is Secretly Merging the North American Continent
This video clip from the Alex Jones film “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” explains how the secretive Bilderberg Group has been using stealth for strategically paving the way for the North American countries to be consolidated by merging the populations, monetary systems, militaries, and highways of the United States, Canada and Mexico.
View the video page containing a full written description for this video. Also view a full bibliography of the information presented in the Endgame documentary.
Refutation of Claims of the Trans-Texas Corridor Project Being Cancelled
(Also see the 2009 Project Censored Award article Security and Prosperity Partnership: Militarized NAFTA, which summarizes and links to articles about the subject from the websites "Global Research.ca" and "Center for International Policy.")

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After a well-publicized press release claimed that the Trans-Texas Corridor project had been cancelled, Alex Jones explains that the only difference is that the project which is integral in creating a future North American Union has only been renamed.
(Also see the 2009 Project Censored Award article Security and Prosperity Partnership: Militarized NAFTA, which summarizes and links to articles about the subject from the websites "Global Research.ca" and "Center for International Policy.")
An assistant to the border patrol in New Mexico Jim Benvie explains the reality of immigration that is happening on the southern border of the United States as they are picking up a group of migrants who are crossing at night. He starts narrating at about 5:30 into the video.
The UN had published a document in 2001 entitled “Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?” which outlines a strategy to “offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates” by importing millions of migrants into various regions of the world each year including Europe, Japan, Russia, Korea, and the United States. The plan seeks to bring 10.8 million migrants to the United States each year until 2050, bringing a total of 593 million by that time. See this Infowars article for more information.
In this video created in 2013, as a social experiment the activist Mark Dice asks passerby’s in California to sign a petition to release all illegal immigrants who are in jails and prisons, no matter what crime they have committed. [Note: Of course Dice understands that most people coming to the country are peaceful, but there are a lot of issues with illegal immigration. The video demonstrates how many people will sign any sort of a petition without considering the consequences, no matter how ridiculous the premise is. In California such petitions can carry of a lot of political weight.]
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are implementing dangerous immigration policies
Unlike many Democrats (such as Kamala Harris), Joe Biden technically does not support the elimination of criminal penalties for people entering the U.S. illegally. However, his other stances on immigration are essentially as bad as doing that anyway, and most other Democrats have similarly dangerous stances on immigration, or even worse.
Joe Biden’s Islamic Immigration Agendas
So far in Joe Biden’s administration, he has repealed all of Trump’s appropriate travel bans, removed the ability for states and communities to decide against receiving “refugees,” imported tens of thousands of unvetted Afghans, and raised the ceiling for the number of “refugees” being brought in 2022 to be 125,000 (not including the Afghans), in addition to all of his other out-of-control immigration policies.
So far in Joe Biden’s administration, he has repealed all of Trump’s appropriate travel bans, removed the ability for states and communities to decide against receiving “refugees,” imported tens of thousands of unvetted Afghans, and raised the ceiling for the number of “refugees” being brought in 2022 to be 125,000 (not including the Afghans), in addition to all of his other out-of-control immigration policies.

The “Afghan Adjustment Act” is being touted in Congress once again, which is designed to give tens of thousands of recent Afghan evacuees a quick path to permanent residency in the U.S. and then potentially citizenship, with the political Establishment’s idea being to push the agenda through as quickly as possible. A new iteration of the bill includes language that is intended to seem reassuring that the Afghans would be properly vetted, however such vetting is actually usually impossible due to the circumstances of the situation.

Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing to not screen Afghan arrivals to the United States for potential terrorism ties through the Department of Defense’s “tactical database,” while he is pushing to put more than 85,000 on a fast track to American citizenship.

Members of Congress and refugee resettlement agencies have introduced an “Afghan Adjustment Act” to immediately grant legal residency and a pathway to citizenship for 36,000 of the Afghans who were brought during the evacuation of that country last year. The point of the act is to rush the process of legalizing the unvetted migrants before too many questions are asked about the situation, as is explained in this article.

Three U.S. senators Ron Johnson (R., Wis.), Josh Hawley (R., Mo.), and Rick Scott (R., Fla.), are asking questions about the Biden administration airlifting nearly 75,000 people out of Afghanistan to be resettled in the United States four months ago, without knowing their identities or backgrounds, according the classified briefings they have received about the situation. They have submitted a letter to the Department of Homeland Security with a list of questions about the matter, demanding answers by the year’s end.
![Biden’s Afghan evacuees were chosen by Taliban “security forces” at the airport [updated October 20, 2021]](https://newsofinterest.tv/_sam_noitv/_external_article_thumbs/EXT_islam_articles/EXT_islam_immigration/EXT_bid_afg_evc/_thumbnail_images/EXT_bid_afg_evc_small.jpg)
Joe Biden outsourced security at the airport in Kabul to the Taliban and other Jihadist groups, who then selected whoever they wanted to be sent to the U.S. rather than the people that they were instructed to allow through.

Hundred of Afghans have walked away from the U.S. bases where they are being processed, thus forfeiting any financial and other assistance that they would have received. The issue is very worrisome because the unvetted Afghans for some reason felt it was important to leave and disappear into the country as quickly as possible, despite the fact that they would have received substantial financial support if they would have stayed.

49 House and Senate Republicans voted for and passed a $6.4 Billion Democrat bill for welfare, driver’s licenses, housing costs, and more for 95,000 Afghans brought to the U.S. by Joe Biden. The Republican lawmakers voted for the provisions despite overwhelming opposition to the Afghan resettlement by their constituents.

Every September, the U.S. president sets a ceiling for the number of “refugees” that will be admitted in the coming fiscal year that starts on October 1, and Joe Biden has just chosen the number to be 125,000, which is double the amount that he brought this year. Additonally the number does not include tens of thousands of unvetted Afghans being brought over, over a million illegal aliens coming over the border, visa overstays, and many others.

Some Afghan migrants that are being brought into the U.S. and other Western countries are bringing child brides with them, claiming that they are their daughters.

A GAO analysis of U.S. Department of Defense data shows that Joe Biden left behind over $85 billion in arms and cash in Afghanistan upon his supposed “bungled” withdrawal.

White House Advisor Stephen Miller speaks with Tucker Carlson about Joe Biden bringing over 100,000 randomly selected Afghanistanis to the United States.

Joe Biden signed an executive order entitled “Executive Order on Rebuilding and Enhancing Programs to Resettle Refugees and Planning for the Impact of Climate Change on Migration,” that denies state and local governments the authority to reject drop-offs of refugees into their communities, which reverses a previous order by Trump that allowed such discretion.

A “No Ban Act” was passed in the House of the U.S. Congress, which would repeal all of Trump’s travel bans and ensure that future presidents would be blocked from enacting similar bans, including even when the U.S. is at war.
The bill is an attempt to end Trump’s supposed “Muslim Ban,” where he has banned travel from several countries. Most people don’t realize that the countries which are banned are from a list that was devised by the Obama administration, and most Muslim countries don’t even have such restrictions anyway.
The bill is an attempt to end Trump’s supposed “Muslim Ban,” where he has banned travel from several countries. Most people don’t realize that the countries which are banned are from a list that was devised by the Obama administration, and most Muslim countries don’t even have such restrictions anyway.
Other articles detailing the immigration agendas of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
Following are other articles that detail the harmful immigration agendas of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Following are other articles that detail the harmful immigration agendas of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

This article is a collection of video clips from before the 2020 election showing Kamala Harris communicating her stances about various issues, where she expresses her support for the most extreme leftist positions of the Democrats, including open borders.

The Republican candidate for New York Governor Rob Astorino gave a press conference Wednesday outside the Stewart International Airport, explaining that the Biden administration has been transporting single adult men migrants on secret flights to suburban New York under the guise of supposedly being “children,” where many are then enrolled in New York high schools despite not knowing how to speak English.

Former White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller speaks with Laura Ingraham about Joe Biden’s Immigration bill. He explains that it is the most radical bill that has even been submitted in the history of the U.S., and it attacks the very idea of nationhood.

Legislators in Georgia and Arizona are advancing bills that would allow illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at state schools, and the University of Connecticut is announcing a new course for students that focuses on “immigration justice.”

Tucker Carlson reports that the U.S. will be releasing illegal migrants into the interior of the U.S. without even testing them for COVID-19, despite the fact that the country is being locked down using the excuse of the virus.

A Newsmax broadcast speaks with Mark Morgan, Trump’s Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection. They show footage of the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki making ridiculously false statements about Trump’s “child separation policy,” and they then explain the reality of that situation.

Tucker Carlson explains that ICE agents have been instructed in an official memo to “release them all, immediately,” despite the fact that Joe Biden’s memorandum didn’t specifically say that.

A Netflix “docu-series” called “Immigration Nation” debuted on August 3, 2020. The trailer for the series portraits ICE agents as being cruel and callous, and it falsely creates an impression that immigration laws are inhumane.
See a summary of a Breitbart article on Open Minded Realism that contains the following list of dangerous immigration-related decisions that Biden will most likely make based on his proposals:
— Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.
— Stop all deportation.
— End prosecution of illegal border crossers.
— Support the deadly sanctuary cities.
— Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.
— Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.
— Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.
— Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.
— Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.
— Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.
— Grant work permits for illegal aliens.
— Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.
— Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.
— Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.
— End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.
— End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.
— Grant mass amnesty.
— Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.
— Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.
— Stop all deportation.
— End prosecution of illegal border crossers.
— Support the deadly sanctuary cities.
— Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.
— Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.
— Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.
— Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.
— Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.
— Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.
— Grant work permits for illegal aliens.
— Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.
— Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.
— Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.
— End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.
— End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.
— Grant mass amnesty.
— Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.
Also see this Breitbart article explaining that Biden will provide amnesty for as many as 22 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S. [Note: Actually the number is likely even much higher.] The article also explains that Biden’s plan commits to:
— Release all border crossers into the U.S. interior.
— Restart welfare-dependent legal immigration to the U.S.
— End the National Emergency Declaration at the southern border.
— End a travel ban from foreign counties that sponsor terrorism.
— Provide amnesty to 3.5 million DACA-enrolled and DACA-eligible illegal aliens.
— Provide federal student loans and free community college to DACA illegal aliens.
— Crack down on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents.
— Release all border crossers into the U.S. interior.
— Restart welfare-dependent legal immigration to the U.S.
— End the National Emergency Declaration at the southern border.
— End a travel ban from foreign counties that sponsor terrorism.
— Provide amnesty to 3.5 million DACA-enrolled and DACA-eligible illegal aliens.
— Provide federal student loans and free community college to DACA illegal aliens.
— Crack down on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents.
I generally don’t support deportations of immigrants who have already been living in the U.S. unless they have committed serious crimes, however I think new illegal immigration should definitely be stopped, and strict deportations should start for new illegal immigrants who arrive after a certain specified date.
Biden will implement a 700% increase of importing unvetted Islamists from Jihadist areas through the secretive “Refugee Resettlement Program.” This is not a surprise because Joe Biden actually established that program along with Senator Ted Kennedy in 1980 during the Carter Administration.
Fourteen(!) of the other Democrat candidates who were vying to run for president (including Kamala Harris) supported decriminalization of illegal border crossing. And of course a lot more Democrat senators than only the 14 presidential hopefuls support the elimination of criminal penalties for entering the U.S. illegally. If it is not a “crime” to enter the U.S. illegally, then nobody coming into the country would be an “illegal alien,” which would cause a mad rush of people that would certainly destroy the country.
See this article which contains many video clips that explain Kamala Harris’ frightening stances on immigration.
The most accurate estimates show the current population of illegal immigrants in the United States to be 30 million or more, not 11 million as the Establishment media often claims
In 2005, a Bear Sterns report came to the conclusion that at least 20 million illegal immigrants were living in the U.S., with its data being based mostly on remittances to Mexico, school enrollment numbers, and housing permits. The report also mentioned credible studies which show that illegal entries have risen to be as many as 3 million a year. The report explains that the “official” number of such immigrants at the time was reported to be only 9 million, however that information which Pew Research and even the Department of Homeland Security uses is based on unreliable census data which is the result of people only voluntarily answering a questionnaire.
Two Pulitzer winning journalists Donald Barlett and James Steel wrote in a 2004 article in Time magazine entitled “Who Left the Door Open?” that the number of illegal immigrants entering the country that year was 3 million, based on their studies.
Following is information from a 2006 NPR broadcast:
— Jeffery Passel, the Demographer for the Pew Research Center who was also previously a demographer for the U.S. Census Bureau is interviewed, where he explains that the Federal Office of Immigration Statistics only began seriously seriously gathering data when the Department of Homeland Security was established in 2003. He said estimates on the number of illegal immigrants in the country today vary from eight million to 20 million.
— Don Barlett (co-author of the “Who Left the Door Open” Time magazine article) is interviewed explaining, “Part of the problem [with the Pew Research numbers], of course, is you’re counting people who don’t want to be counted.”
— The narrator Ted Robbins explains how Barlett got his numbers for his Time Magazine report: “They started with Border Patrol estimates that say for every apprehension on the border, three people get through. That’s three million a year. Multiplied out, Barlett and Steele got a 15 million, total. And by now, Don Barlett thinks even that’s low.”
— Barlett: “And about the only thing that a reader or listener can, you know, put in the bank, is that any number he or she hears, sees, or reads, is probably understated--in some cases exponentially.”
— Narrator: “Barlett cites a report done last year by the investment firm, Bear Stearns, estimating as many as 20 million illegal immigrants in the country. That report extrapolated a total by looking at several micro trends.”
— Barlette: “They went out and looked at school districts, certain school districts around the country. Looked at their past student projections, saw how those turned out. Looked at their current projections, and all of a sudden these schools that weren’t supposed to have a need for any new buildings, now are building new buildings. And the reason, of course, is the illegal immigrant issue.”
— Narrator: “The Bear Stearns report also drew conclusions from skyrocketing remittances: the amount of money sent back to Mexico by immigrants in recent years.”
In 2005, a Bear Sterns report came to the conclusion that at least 20 million illegal immigrants were living in the U.S., with its data being based mostly on remittances to Mexico, school enrollment numbers, and housing permits. The report also mentioned credible studies which show that illegal entries have risen to be as many as 3 million a year. The report explains that the “official” number of such immigrants at the time was reported to be only 9 million, however that information which Pew Research and even the Department of Homeland Security uses is based on unreliable census data which is the result of people only voluntarily answering a questionnaire.
Two Pulitzer winning journalists Donald Barlett and James Steel wrote in a 2004 article in Time magazine entitled “Who Left the Door Open?” that the number of illegal immigrants entering the country that year was 3 million, based on their studies.
Following is information from a 2006 NPR broadcast:
— Jeffery Passel, the Demographer for the Pew Research Center who was also previously a demographer for the U.S. Census Bureau is interviewed, where he explains that the Federal Office of Immigration Statistics only began seriously seriously gathering data when the Department of Homeland Security was established in 2003. He said estimates on the number of illegal immigrants in the country today vary from eight million to 20 million.
— Don Barlett (co-author of the “Who Left the Door Open” Time magazine article) is interviewed explaining, “Part of the problem [with the Pew Research numbers], of course, is you’re counting people who don’t want to be counted.”
— The narrator Ted Robbins explains how Barlett got his numbers for his Time Magazine report: “They started with Border Patrol estimates that say for every apprehension on the border, three people get through. That’s three million a year. Multiplied out, Barlett and Steele got a 15 million, total. And by now, Don Barlett thinks even that’s low.”
— Barlett: “And about the only thing that a reader or listener can, you know, put in the bank, is that any number he or she hears, sees, or reads, is probably understated--in some cases exponentially.”
— Narrator: “Barlett cites a report done last year by the investment firm, Bear Stearns, estimating as many as 20 million illegal immigrants in the country. That report extrapolated a total by looking at several micro trends.”
— Barlette: “They went out and looked at school districts, certain school districts around the country. Looked at their past student projections, saw how those turned out. Looked at their current projections, and all of a sudden these schools that weren’t supposed to have a need for any new buildings, now are building new buildings. And the reason, of course, is the illegal immigrant issue.”
— Narrator: “The Bear Stearns report also drew conclusions from skyrocketing remittances: the amount of money sent back to Mexico by immigrants in recent years.”
Common Misconceptions About Illegal Immigrants Coming Into the U.S. During the Trump Administration
Following is a summary of a May 2019 article in “The Hill” which debunks many false claims that the mainstream media makes about illegal immigration into the United States:
— The mainstream media often claims that illegal immigration is at an all-time low, however according to data from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), people coming across the border in 2019 are at the highest rates in a decade: 110,000 in April, and 145,000 in May; and note those numbers are only apprehensions (and they are then released into the United States).. It does not figure in the multiples of those numbers of people who are slipping through undetected.
— The media often suggests the migrants coming over the border are “legal” because they are asking for asylum (which most do wether they fix the criteria or not), and commentators sometimes even deceptively exclude the number of “asylum” seekers from the numbers of illegal immigrants that they report. However an illegal immigrant seeking asylum is still “illegal”— asylum is a defense against deportation, but it does not legalize their coming in the country.
— It is claimed that a majority (61 percent) of illegal immigrants who are released at the border show up for their hearings, however they have incentive to do so because showing up at the first hearing gives them another year to stay in the country without danger of deportation. The next hearing is the “removal” hearing, and if they lose their claim and are ordered “removed”, then they can appeal the order get two more years in the country without danger of deportation. And even if they loose that appeal, the odds of them actually being deported is almost nil since they will likely never be apprehended by ICE, and even if they were, their home country will often slow-walk their travel papers or refuse them altogether, resulting in them being released back into the U.S. after 180 days.
— The Establishment media and most politicians (both Democrat and Republican) don’t actually want the border to be secured. Court rulings mandate that illegal immigrants who bring kids with them are released within 20 days, and ICE is not allowed to have more than 45,274 detention beds for all detainees, including ones who have committed crimes. The government apparatus which is in place is designed to help almost all illegal migrants coming across the border to ultimately get into the United States, and only the construction of a border wall will effectively stop the traffic.
Police in many areas of the country pledge not to report when they apprehend illegal immigrants for other crimes
A June 24, 2019 Raleigh, North Carolina news report explains a situation of vote taking place to try to require the local sheriffs to report illegal immigrants that they apprehend to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in case outstanding deportation orders exist for them. The sheriffs had previously made campaign promises that they would not cooperate with the authorities in doing so. [Note: This is what happens when you vote for Democrats (and many Republicans). The attitudes that the sheriffs have is reprehensible, people that they are apprehending could be wanted for extreme crimes including murder and terrorism, and in fact such types of people might congregate in that locality knowing that they are protected from detection.]
February 24, 2020
An article on Newswars.com explains that City Councilors in Cambridge, Massachusetts have voted to protect illegal aliens from arrest if they are caught driving without a license in order to “keep them out of the clutches of the Trump administration.”
Many women are raped on their journey north to the United States
An April 25, 2016 Breitbart article entitled “Rape Trees, Dead Migrants, and the Consquences of an Unsecured Border” explains the situation of human trafficker “coyotes” often raping the women that they lead across the border into the United States.
Following is a summary of the article:
— Many people in the U.S. believe that the poor in Latin America are being helped by leaving the southern border with Mexico unsecured, but they are not. Criminal cartels in Central America and Mexico make one-third or more of their profits from human trafficking, and the brutal cartels that control the state and local governments are largely fueled by trafficking of people into the United States, which is made possible because of the refusal of the U.S. to build a wall along its border.
— When being trafficked by the cartels into the U.S., woman and girls are susceptible to being raped at many points of their journey, often being raped at “stash houses” along the route.
— Once the women are in the U.S., another smuggler then picks the women up and drives them north with a coyote to a point before the border patrol checkpoints, and the women and girls then exit the vehicle with their coyote to attempt to walk around the checkpoint. The hazardous journey around the checkpoint can sometimes take many days, with the coyotes often raping the women during the hike as well.
— The coyotes often remove an article of clothing from the females that they rape during the journey and tie it a tree— a “rape tree”, which is meant to send a signal to the women who follow of what will happen if they get out of line. Ranchers often find such trees on their property.
— If the woman and girls become injured on their journeys around the checkpoints, such as by getting a sprained ankle, a broken foot, or getting too exhausted to continue, their coyote will leave them to die. Many do die in those circumstances unless they are lucky enough to be able to find their way to a road where they might be rescued by law enforcement, however often such woman are found along the road by coyotes instead who abduct them and send them to be sex slaves in the larger cities of the U.S.
— A Texas Sheriff deputy Benny Martinez explains that his department’s staff are often sent out to recover human remains or pick up survivors. He says, “Fortunately, because of the efforts of our deputies, the Border Patrol’s presence, help from the State of Texas with Texas Rangers, Department of Public Safety Troopers, and members of the Texas State Guard, the number of deaths this year is lower. .. We have worked hard to do as much as we can with the limited resources we have and have pushed state officials to send us help. The lives saved as a result speaks to how well our people are doing.”
— Border Patrol agents and law enforcement officers all along the length of the Southern border of the U.S. report the same sort of trafficking situations happening due to the porous border caused by the lack of a border wall.
[Also see a Wikipedia article about sexual assaults which often happen to Latin America migrants into the United States.]

“A rape tree discovered on the Vicker’s ranch near Falfurrias, Texas. (File Photo Courtesy of Linda Vickers)”
An April 25, 2016 Breitbart article entitled “Rape Trees, Dead Migrants, and the Consquences of an Unsecured Border” explains the situation of human trafficker “coyotes” often raping the women that they lead across the border into the United States.
Following is a summary of the article:
— Many people in the U.S. believe that the poor in Latin America are being helped by leaving the southern border with Mexico unsecured, but they are not. Criminal cartels in Central America and Mexico make one-third or more of their profits from human trafficking, and the brutal cartels that control the state and local governments are largely fueled by trafficking of people into the United States, which is made possible because of the refusal of the U.S. to build a wall along its border.
— When being trafficked by the cartels into the U.S., woman and girls are susceptible to being raped at many points of their journey, often being raped at “stash houses” along the route.
— Once the women are in the U.S., another smuggler then picks the women up and drives them north with a coyote to a point before the border patrol checkpoints, and the women and girls then exit the vehicle with their coyote to attempt to walk around the checkpoint. The hazardous journey around the checkpoint can sometimes take many days, with the coyotes often raping the women during the hike as well.
— The coyotes often remove an article of clothing from the females that they rape during the journey and tie it a tree— a “rape tree”, which is meant to send a signal to the women who follow of what will happen if they get out of line. Ranchers often find such trees on their property.
— If the woman and girls become injured on their journeys around the checkpoints, such as by getting a sprained ankle, a broken foot, or getting too exhausted to continue, their coyote will leave them to die. Many do die in those circumstances unless they are lucky enough to be able to find their way to a road where they might be rescued by law enforcement, however often such woman are found along the road by coyotes instead who abduct them and send them to be sex slaves in the larger cities of the U.S.
— A Texas Sheriff deputy Benny Martinez explains that his department’s staff are often sent out to recover human remains or pick up survivors. He says, “Fortunately, because of the efforts of our deputies, the Border Patrol’s presence, help from the State of Texas with Texas Rangers, Department of Public Safety Troopers, and members of the Texas State Guard, the number of deaths this year is lower. .. We have worked hard to do as much as we can with the limited resources we have and have pushed state officials to send us help. The lives saved as a result speaks to how well our people are doing.”
— Border Patrol agents and law enforcement officers all along the length of the Southern border of the U.S. report the same sort of trafficking situations happening due to the porous border caused by the lack of a border wall.
[Also see a Wikipedia article about sexual assaults which often happen to Latin America migrants into the United States.]
The Reality of the Child Separation Issue
The issue of the children of migrants being temporarily separated at the border is controversial, and the media has made it be an inflammatory topic, however there are many legitimate reasons for the policy to exist.
When a policy was established that migrants would be immediately released into the United States if apprehended while traveling across the border with children, drug cartels and human traffickers increasingly trafficked children along with the adults in order to ensure unhindered passage.
Children have generally been treated well while being detained, with perhaps a few exceptions. The establishment media often dishonestly exaggerates the extent of supposed abuses of the children for political reasons.
A December 2018 Breitbart article contains this video of the film director Jaco Booyens explaining how unsecured borders are being exploited by cartels for the child sex trade, since children are much easier to traffic than drugs or other contraband. He says that as many as thirty percent of the children crossing the border are being trafficked as sex slaves in the United States because “undocumented” children are much easier for traffickers to sell over and over again since nobody is looking for them.
Booyens is the director of the film “8 Days” that portrays a situation of a sixteen year old girl being forced into the world of sex trafficking.
A June 2018 Infowars article details a Department of Homeland Security press release entitled “Myth vs. Fact: DHS Zero-Tolerance Policy” which explains common misconceptions which people have about its practice of sometimes detaining children at the border separately from the adults who bring them.
A February 3, 2019 Breitbart Article explains that the Democrats’ first offer to Trump in negotiations to fund a border wall included a provision that would end all immigration enforcement for migrants who are trafficking children across the southern border.
A February 15, 2019 Breitbart article describes Rep. Chip Roy explaining that legislation Trump signed as a compromise should be called the “Child Trafficking Promotion Act” because of its open borders clauses that cripple the efforts of immigration officials.
A June 20, 2019 Breitbart article explains reasons why separating children at the border is the only reasonable choice due to abusive parents and human trafficking.

A July 2018 Time Magazine cover. Note the girl in the image was never separated from her mother, causing Time to issue a retraction.
The issue of the children of migrants being temporarily separated at the border is controversial, and the media has made it be an inflammatory topic, however there are many legitimate reasons for the policy to exist.
When a policy was established that migrants would be immediately released into the United States if apprehended while traveling across the border with children, drug cartels and human traffickers increasingly trafficked children along with the adults in order to ensure unhindered passage.
Children have generally been treated well while being detained, with perhaps a few exceptions. The establishment media often dishonestly exaggerates the extent of supposed abuses of the children for political reasons.
A December 2018 Breitbart article contains this video of the film director Jaco Booyens explaining how unsecured borders are being exploited by cartels for the child sex trade, since children are much easier to traffic than drugs or other contraband. He says that as many as thirty percent of the children crossing the border are being trafficked as sex slaves in the United States because “undocumented” children are much easier for traffickers to sell over and over again since nobody is looking for them.
Booyens is the director of the film “8 Days” that portrays a situation of a sixteen year old girl being forced into the world of sex trafficking.
A June 2018 Infowars article details a Department of Homeland Security press release entitled “Myth vs. Fact: DHS Zero-Tolerance Policy” which explains common misconceptions which people have about its practice of sometimes detaining children at the border separately from the adults who bring them.
A February 3, 2019 Breitbart Article explains that the Democrats’ first offer to Trump in negotiations to fund a border wall included a provision that would end all immigration enforcement for migrants who are trafficking children across the southern border.
A February 15, 2019 Breitbart article describes Rep. Chip Roy explaining that legislation Trump signed as a compromise should be called the “Child Trafficking Promotion Act” because of its open borders clauses that cripple the efforts of immigration officials.
A June 20, 2019 Breitbart article explains reasons why separating children at the border is the only reasonable choice due to abusive parents and human trafficking.
The issue of claims of abuse happening at immigrant detention facilities
This July 3, 2019 video shows various statements made by leftist politicians such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after they toured an immigration detention facility, where they claimed that immigrants were being told to drink from toilets.
A July 11, 2019 OAN news broadcast explains that after abuse allegations were claimed by Democrat politicians, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released a series of videos showing the truth of the actual conditions at the detention facilities.
Alex Jones shows AP news reports explaining that immigration detention centers are treating people well contrary to what leftist propaganda is claiming, and Paul Watson explains the situation with a leftist ANTIFA supporting domestic terrorist who attempted to kill workers at an ICE facility due to incitement from people such as Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
(Also see a July 12, 2019 Fox News video which talks about the current state of immigration issues in the United States.)
This July 3, 2019 video shows various statements made by leftist politicians such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after they toured an immigration detention facility, where they claimed that immigrants were being told to drink from toilets.
A July 11, 2019 OAN news broadcast explains that after abuse allegations were claimed by Democrat politicians, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released a series of videos showing the truth of the actual conditions at the detention facilities.
Alex Jones shows AP news reports explaining that immigration detention centers are treating people well contrary to what leftist propaganda is claiming, and Paul Watson explains the situation with a leftist ANTIFA supporting domestic terrorist who attempted to kill workers at an ICE facility due to incitement from people such as Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
(Also see a July 12, 2019 Fox News video which talks about the current state of immigration issues in the United States.)
Non-Latin Americans are increasingly coming over the southern border of the United States
Non-Latin American immigrants often arrive in Equador in South America since travel to that country is allowed by anyone without the need for a visa, and from there they often travel north through Central America into the United States. Trump’s supposed “remain in Mexico” policy where people are told to wait in Mexico for their asylum hearings does not apply to people who cannot speak Spanish, so such people are continuing to be released into the United States and then signed up for welfare programs as they always have been.
On July 15, 2019, Trump had announced plans to reform laws to require asylum seekers to first apply for asylum in the countries that they pass through on the way to the United States, however it is unclear if the policy will actually be implemented.
Alex Jones explains that many migrants from Congo and Angola are coming into the United States over its southern border. An Ebola epidemic is occurring in Congo, and the disease has a very long incubation period causing people to potentially not show symptoms until they are already in the United States.
This July 15, 2019 article explains that an Ebola outbreak in Congo that has killed 1,600 people is spreading to a new city where one million people live.
This June 16, 2019 Associated Press article and June 17, 2019 Numbers USA article explain that a record number of African migrants are coming over the border from Mexico.
Non-Latin American immigrants often arrive in Equador in South America since travel to that country is allowed by anyone without the need for a visa, and from there they often travel north through Central America into the United States. Trump’s supposed “remain in Mexico” policy where people are told to wait in Mexico for their asylum hearings does not apply to people who cannot speak Spanish, so such people are continuing to be released into the United States and then signed up for welfare programs as they always have been.
On July 15, 2019, Trump had announced plans to reform laws to require asylum seekers to first apply for asylum in the countries that they pass through on the way to the United States, however it is unclear if the policy will actually be implemented.
Alex Jones explains that many migrants from Congo and Angola are coming into the United States over its southern border. An Ebola epidemic is occurring in Congo, and the disease has a very long incubation period causing people to potentially not show symptoms until they are already in the United States.
July 1, 2019
Islam is a movement that Latin Americans should be frightened of. It is important that Latinos become aware of the dangers of the ideology so they won’t allow themselves to be consumed by it. This article contains summaries of articles which explain the rapid Islamization of Latin America that has been occurring.
running time 10 minutes
In this video clip Alex Jones explains how the Goldman Sachs banking firm and the United Nations are making use of Islamic migrants to destroy the sovereignty of Western nations.
This July 15, 2019 article explains that an Ebola outbreak in Congo that has killed 1,600 people is spreading to a new city where one million people live.
This June 16, 2019 Associated Press article and June 17, 2019 Numbers USA article explain that a record number of African migrants are coming over the border from Mexico.
The Financial Cost of Illegal Immigration
Illegal immigration has many costs to American taxpayers in the form of social services such as schooling and medical care. This section explains aspects of that issue. [Note: I think it is fine to continue to give such benefits to the immigrants who are already living in the country, however I think the flow of illegal immigration should be stopped and future migrants should not receive such benefits.]
Lou Dobbs explains many of the economic problems that are caused for the U.S. due to out of control illegal immigration.
This Fox News segment explains the various types of social services that undocumented immigrants receive.
In this Fox News video Tomi Lahren explains the situation of California deciding to give taxpayer funded health care benefits to illegal immigrants.
Illegal immigration has many costs to American taxpayers in the form of social services such as schooling and medical care. This section explains aspects of that issue. [Note: I think it is fine to continue to give such benefits to the immigrants who are already living in the country, however I think the flow of illegal immigration should be stopped and future migrants should not receive such benefits.]
Lou Dobbs explains many of the economic problems that are caused for the U.S. due to out of control illegal immigration.
This Fox News segment explains the various types of social services that undocumented immigrants receive.
In this Fox News video Tomi Lahren explains the situation of California deciding to give taxpayer funded health care benefits to illegal immigrants.
updated July 21, 2019
California has signed bill into law which will give health care benefits to low income adults under the age of 25, including illegal immigrants.
Corruption of the global elite is the source of the immigration crisis
Almost all politicians are corrupt and controlled by the same ruling elite, but if you care about America and your freedoms you should never vote for a Democrat no matter how friendly they may seem on the surface, and do your research before voting for a Republican. Democrats in particular exploit people’s good intentions to forward deceptive establishment agendas such as open borders and global warming alarmism, which are covertly intended to impoverish and subjugate the people in America and the rest of the world.
A June 2019 Fox News Tucker Carlson video explains that the Koch brothers who are responsible for financing many Republican politicians have an “open borders” mentality which is corrupting the agendas of the Republican party. [But note that almost all politicians are most significantly controlled by the Illuminati political elite more than by any particular donors, and presumably the Koch brothers are associated with that as well.]
A June 25th, 2019 Washington Examiner article contains recent quotes from politicians who recently denied that a crisis is occurring at the southern border. Following are the quotes:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “a fake crisis at the border.”
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer: “a crisis that does not exist.”
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer: “There is no crisis at the border.”
House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries: “There is no crisis at the border.”
House Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Eliot Engel: “a fake crisis at the border.”
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler: “There is no crisis at the border.”
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee: “We don’t have a border crisis.”
Rep. Lloyd Doggett: “a phony border crisis.”
Rep. Earl Blumenauer: “a fake crisis at the border.”
Rep. Sanford Bishop: “a crisis that does not exist.”
Reps. Jesus Garcia, Jose Serrano, Suzanne Bonamici, Donald Beyer, Pramila Jayapal, and Adriano Espaillat: “nonexistent border crisis.”
Former congressman and current California Attorney General Xavier Becerra: “There is no border crisis.”
“All are in public office and all have a say in determining policy. In the media, ”Never Trump“ Republicans, former Republicans, and other commentators have joined in.”
Former Rep. Joe Scarborough, now with MSNBC: “an imaginary border crisis.”
Former Bush White House official Nicolle Wallace: “There’s not a crisis.”
Former Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol: “a fake crisis.”
GOP strategist Rick Wilson: “There is no crisis on the border.”
Former conservative talk radio host Charlie Sykes: “There is no crisis at the border.”
The Washington Post’s Max Boot: “faux crisis.”
The Post’s Jennifer Rubin: “There is no crisis at the southern border.”
The Post’s editorial board: “make-believe crisis.”
— “And finally, lest anyone ignore the late-night Resistance, comedian Jimmy Kimmel called the situation ‘a fake border crisis.’”
Other articles to help gain understanding of the motives of the global elite:
Almost all politicians are corrupt and controlled by the same ruling elite, but if you care about America and your freedoms you should never vote for a Democrat no matter how friendly they may seem on the surface, and do your research before voting for a Republican. Democrats in particular exploit people’s good intentions to forward deceptive establishment agendas such as open borders and global warming alarmism, which are covertly intended to impoverish and subjugate the people in America and the rest of the world.
A June 2019 Fox News Tucker Carlson video explains that the Koch brothers who are responsible for financing many Republican politicians have an “open borders” mentality which is corrupting the agendas of the Republican party. [But note that almost all politicians are most significantly controlled by the Illuminati political elite more than by any particular donors, and presumably the Koch brothers are associated with that as well.]
A June 25th, 2019 Washington Examiner article contains recent quotes from politicians who recently denied that a crisis is occurring at the southern border. Following are the quotes:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “a fake crisis at the border.”
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer: “a crisis that does not exist.”
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer: “There is no crisis at the border.”
House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries: “There is no crisis at the border.”
House Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Eliot Engel: “a fake crisis at the border.”
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler: “There is no crisis at the border.”
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee: “We don’t have a border crisis.”
Rep. Lloyd Doggett: “a phony border crisis.”
Rep. Earl Blumenauer: “a fake crisis at the border.”
Rep. Sanford Bishop: “a crisis that does not exist.”
Reps. Jesus Garcia, Jose Serrano, Suzanne Bonamici, Donald Beyer, Pramila Jayapal, and Adriano Espaillat: “nonexistent border crisis.”
Former congressman and current California Attorney General Xavier Becerra: “There is no border crisis.”
“All are in public office and all have a say in determining policy. In the media, ”Never Trump“ Republicans, former Republicans, and other commentators have joined in.”
Former Rep. Joe Scarborough, now with MSNBC: “an imaginary border crisis.”
Former Bush White House official Nicolle Wallace: “There’s not a crisis.”
Former Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol: “a fake crisis.”
GOP strategist Rick Wilson: “There is no crisis on the border.”
Former conservative talk radio host Charlie Sykes: “There is no crisis at the border.”
The Washington Post’s Max Boot: “faux crisis.”
The Post’s Jennifer Rubin: “There is no crisis at the southern border.”
The Post’s editorial board: “make-believe crisis.”
— “And finally, lest anyone ignore the late-night Resistance, comedian Jimmy Kimmel called the situation ‘a fake border crisis.’”
Other articles to help gain understanding of the motives of the global elite:
updated October 2, 2022
This article contains video clips from the Alex Jones documentary film “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” that explains the long-term agendas of Establishment groups who secretively control the governments of the world. It explains how the global political elite is in the process of consolidating the countries of the world into a one world government that is run by unelected private bankers, and it explains their agendas of eugenics and world depopulation through the use of genocidal methods.
updated November 30, 2022
Among the most important autobiographies written during the 20th century is one that most people have never heard of, and it’s one that the globalist Establishment does not want people to know about. The book “Nicaragua Betrayed” is the engrossing behind-the-scenes account of the political career of Anastasio Somoza, the popular democratically elected leader of Nicaragua between 1967 and 1979, whose pro-U.S. government was overrun by Communist Sandinistas which the book proves were covertly supported by the globalist Establishment [note— “Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)”] associated with Jimmy Carter’s Administration. Somoza was assassinated in 1980 shortly after his book was published. The book is very important because it exposes the true agendas of globalism and how the Establishment global elite actually operate.
updated February 1, 2020
The book “Hostage to Khomeini,” written by Robert Dreyfuss in 1980, explains specifically how the progressive pro-American Shah of Iran was covertly overthrown in 1979 by the global political elite, being replaced with the brutal Ayatollah Khomeini who was installed as “controlled opposition” in order to intentionally wreck progress in the country and drag it back to the Dark Ages. (Khomeini was the instigator of taking the American embassy in Tehran hostage in 1979.) Iran was a very modern and Westernized country under the Shah until the coup occured which installed Khomeini.
updated February 17, 2020
The book The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, written by James Perloff in 1988, chronicles American history during most of the 20th century, examining major national and international events occurring during each of the Presidential administrations by focusing on the activities of the Establishment elite running the secretive and powerful political organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
updated September 13, 2022
”None Dare Call it Conspiracy” by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham is a book of great importance, having upset the ruling Western political Establishment by exposing much of their secretive underlying history and agendas that control the political processes of the United States and much of the rest of the world. The book was light-years ahead of its time when it was published in 1971. The information in the book is surprising and it can even seem far-fetched to the uninitiated, however the information is accurate and well documented.
Potential Solutions to the Immigration Crisis
The immigration system in the United States is broken and in need of being fixed, and the best way for that to happen is for a wall to be built on its southern border and not allowing more illegal immigration into the country after a certain date, with previous immigrants who are already in the country being allowed to stay unless they are convicted of crimes.
Information From The Numbers USA Organization
The Numbers USA.org website is a resource which contains much information about reforming immigration related problems in the Unitd States.
See a page from its website containing information about immigration issues in Congress, including a section with immigration “report cards” for elected representatives.
“Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs”
This video produced by NumbersUSA.org explains the futility of the United States’ immigration policy not actually helping most of the people in the world.
It explains how many people are falsely under the impression that if their country brings in many migrants, then it would be a major step toward alleviating the world’s problems, but the reality is that the suffering and inequality in the world continues to remain constant no matter how many migrants a country takes in.
The video explains that the best way to truly help people in the world is to improve the living conditions of everyone where they are already living.
This video produced by NumbersUSA.org explains the futility of the United States’ immigration policy not actually helping most of the people in the world.
It explains how many people are falsely under the impression that if their country brings in many migrants, then it would be a major step toward alleviating the world’s problems, but the reality is that the suffering and inequality in the world continues to remain constant no matter how many migrants a country takes in.
The video explains that the best way to truly help people in the world is to improve the living conditions of everyone where they are already living.
Numbers USA advocates for the following immigration policy changes:
— Mandate the use of the “E-Verify” system to ensure that employees are legally allowed to work.
— Reform Birthright Citizenship to stop giving citizenship to the children of women who travel to the U.S. to give birth. The U.S. and Canada are the only developed nations which grant such citizenship so expansively.
— End Visa Overstays by implementing biometric enter/exit tracking systems (such fingerprinting or retina scanning) for people traveling to the U.S.
— Reduce Unnecessary Worker Visas which contribute to the loss of opportunities for citizens.
— Stop Amnesty for immigrants who are in the country illegally. [Note: I agree with stopping amnesty, but mostly only for new immigrants who arrive after a certain set date. I think immigrants who are not citizens that are already in the country should be allowed to stay unless they commit crimes.]
— Reduce Refugee and Visa Fraud [Note: I think the current Refugee Resettlement Program should be eliminated altogether since it is abused by political elites to forward deceptive agendas which have little to do with actually helping refugees. I think refugee status should instead be awarded to people who are currently in the country under the TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS (TPS) program, as those people are almost always genuinely “refugees.” See the article The United States has secretively been importing millions of Islamic migrants from overseas for decades.]
— Improve Border Enforcement by hiring more immigration agents, and building fencing along the most heavily trafficked parts of the border. [Note: I think it would be most effective if a wall was built along the entire southern border with Mexico, along with hiring more border patrol agents and immigration judges.]
—Reduce Illegal Immigration Rewards by eliminating “sanctuary” areas where illegal immigrants are shielded from arrest, ending the practice of universities giving tuition breaks to illegal immigrants, and ending other programs such as giving illegal immigrants drivers licenses.
A Timeline of Trump’s Immigration Related Activity
Following is a directory for the article A Timeline of Donald Trump’s Immigration Related Activity.
Jump to parts of this article ..
Trump’s Immigration Related Activity — 2017
Trump’s Immigration Related Activity — 2018
Trump’s Immigration Related Activity — 2019
Trump’s Immigration Related Activity — 2018
Trump’s Immigration Related Activity — 2019
A Summary of 2019 About the 2018-2019 Government Shutdown Trump Declares a National Emergency to Allocate Funds to Build a Border Wall Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” Agreement is a Farce |